love that line
the film is curiously absent from your top 5 comedies
If I included Wes stuff, it would just be the entirety of nearly all my lists.
love that line
the film is curiously absent from your top 5 comedies
Assuming you already have a tombstone ordered for yourself that proclaims you died tragically rescuing your family from the wreckage of a sinking battleship?
If I included Wes stuff, it would just be the entirety of nearly all my lists.
I didn't get much controversy with my Borat movie take, so here's my second attempt.
I think Woody Allen and his movies all suck. My friend from high school was obsessed and I saw a few with him and was like, what the fuck is this garbage. Hard pass.
I didn't get much controversy with my Borat movie take, so here's my second attempt.
I didn't get much controversy with my Borat movie take, so here's my second attempt.
I think Woody Allen and his movies all suck. My friend from high school was obsessed and I saw a few with him and was like, what the fuck is this garbage. Hard pass.
yeah...I mean there's a balance at play when making such lists...all I'm asking is for one
ie. Woody Allen had a string of amazing comedies...all bubbling underneath my top 5, but I'd probably just pick one in my top 10
Pfff, you wanna talk some jive???
I haven't watched the movie in years, but I agree, there were certain parts of it, which, if excised, would make great clips for the tv series. I can't include the fight scene, because while it was funny, it was scripted, and once you have something scripted, where there's no one being deceived, it stops being Borat/Ali G and therefore stops being funny imo. But the scene in the hotel where he runs around naked into the business conference, the scene where he takes the chicken onto the subway in his suitcase and lets it loose, the scene where I think he goes to the formal dinner party and tells the guy his wife is ugly among other things (I think that's from the movie, or was it the show?).You’re not wrong about the scripted stuff being the weak points…..but its highs are as high as any comedy has reached imo. (Again, in the moment first viewing).
Id also push back on the idea his television bits for Borat were better/more shocking….I think he went further than he had in any skit, quite a few times.
I was obsessed with Borat/Bruno from the show, but popped hard loads of times in the movie.
Zoom in shot on the thumbs please.
It doesn't follow the formula western plot but in 1949 the Writers Guild of America gave it an award for "Best Written Western".Sierra Madre isn't a western really.
Bulworth was pretty funny.Warren Beatty should have spent more time doing movies and not chasing tail.
I've been hoping for a top notch remake of The Grapes Of Wrath for years. I read the book several times before I saw the movie and was disappointed by it which is usually the case for me.
Actually, a well made series would be better than a movie remake I think.
Here's a real treasure in my mind. Country Joe McDonald doing Woody Guthrie's Tom Joad.
Yep, he thought it preached pacifism which was un-American. The idea that a guy with a badge and gun wouldn't spend his waking hours shooting people was communism as far as the Duke was concerned.High Noon is the real original subversive western.
John Wayne hated the fuck out of it.
On the radio, Matt Dillon was played by William Conrad of "Cannon" fame.
"You damn dirty Injuns!"Great in the original "The Thing".
Not as "well known" Charleton Heston flick to continue "the Western" film genre talk: