I haven't watched the movie in years, but I agree, there were certain parts of it, which, if excised, would make great clips for the tv series. I can't include the fight scene, because while it was funny, it was scripted, and once you have something scripted, where there's no one being deceived, it stops being Borat/Ali G and therefore stops being funny imo. But the scene in the hotel where he runs around naked into the business conference, the scene where he takes the chicken onto the subway in his suitcase and lets it loose, the scene where I think he goes to the formal dinner party and tells the guy his wife is ugly among other things (I think that's from the movie, or was it the show?).
In contrast, the Pamela Anderson kidnapping, so dumb and cringeworthy. The scene when he meets up with those frat boys - I mean, so clearly obvious that they knew exactly who he was and were playing along. This sort of stuff just pulls the rug out from under it for me. There were funny parts, for sure, but overall a total bust when directly compared to the tv sketches that spawned it.