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OT: Movies/TV Shows

I collected in my youth, and I have my box with my cardboard backing and plastic bags. I did stick to the big names... was a marvel fan over DC, but have some pretty good firsts.
I collected in my youth, and I have my box with my cardboard backing and plastic bags. I did stick to the big names... was a marvel fan over DC, but have some pretty good firsts.

There's the odd series worth reading from Marvel/DC for sure.....but for the most part, they're kind of the network television of the medium.
There's the odd series worth reading from Marvel/DC for sure.....but for the most part, they're kind of the network television of the medium.

Agreed, but I was 11-15 when I began collecting. I did get Miller's the Dark Night vs Batman series, and Ronin.
Oscars are tonight, Predictions:

"Boyhood" Best film.

Innaritu best director for "Birdman".

Moore best actress for "Still Alice".

Cooper best actor for AS (That's my upset pick. I don't think Keaton wins)

Arquette best supporting actress, Simmons best supporting actor.
I never could figure out how a film can be named best picture without a best director win also...or vise versa.

Answer: Voters must be members of the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences. Initial voting is restricted to members of the Academy branch concerned. For instance, when the first wave of ballots is mailed to all members of the Academy, only directors may nominate other directors. Once the first round of voting is done and the field has been narrowed to no more than five nominees in each category, except the Best Picture category, then all members of the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences are allowed to vote for a winner in most categories, including Best Picture.

Best Picture ......Instead of just marking an ‘X’ to indicate which one picture they believe to be the best, members will indicate their second, third and further preferences as well," Academy President Tom Sherak said. "PricewaterhouseCoopers will then be able to establish the Best Picture recipient with the strongest support of a majority of our electorate."

You guys remember these, Jim Henson was amazing

Oscar winners:

Best Picture: Birdman
Best Director: Inarritu
Best Actor: Eddie Redmayne
Best Actress: Julianne Moore

Boyhood got shut out.
The movie "Predestination" with Ethan Hawke is a very interesting and compelling time travel film. I'm surprised it's not going to get a bigger release.
A little hard to "Get". I might watch it again.

Finally got around to watching this. I liked it a fair bit but the wife hated it.

A pretty good mind **** once you figure out what's going on.