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OT: Movies/TV Shows

Watched Gone girl last night instead of the oscars (will watch tonight on fast forward). I liked it.
Just back from Disney Orlando with the kids, they've got a great recreation of the Muppet Theatre with animatronic hecklers. AWESOME.

Their "Hollywood Studios" park, while lacking in "rides" is definitely their best park. Of course it's full of Lucas properties now, so I may be biased. Indiana Jones stunt show, Star Wars re-themed Star Tours ride, and only a matter of time before Marvel becomes a much larger part of the park.
Watched Gone girl last night instead of the oscars (will watch tonight on fast forward). I liked it.

I watched it too. Good flick. Poor NPH. Finally has sex with a woman and gets killed. At least she let him finish first.

I watched Birdman after. I don't know...I guess I'm not artsy enough to appreciate it.

New HBO True crime series......episode 2 just dropped last night, and thus far it's been pretty damn good.

Definitely recommend it to any fans of "Serial" out there.

Has gotten better and better with each successive episode. Last nights was fantastic.
Oscars are tonight, Predictions:

"Boyhood" Best film.

Innaritu best director for "Birdman".

Moore best actress for "Still Alice".

Cooper best actor for AS (That's my upset pick. I don't think Keaton wins)

Arquette best supporting actress, Simmons best supporting actor.

not a bad set of predictions
In honour of the Oscars last night, finally got around to watching last year's winner, 12 Years a Slave. Really good movie, maybe not quite good enough to be Best Picture IMO, but damn good nonetheless. I've been thinking about it a lot ever since it ended. I'll probably pick up the book. What a ****ed up situation. Also kind of sad, the lead character (Solomon Northup) returned to the north and became an activist about slavery, but nobody knows what ended up happening to him. There is no record of his death anywhere.
I didn't even know about it until reading about it on here. Downloaded and loved it. I want to see the film again.

The movie got some pretty mixed reviews, but I'm definitely looking forward to checking it out once the docu-series is over.....trying my best to avoid any "spoilers" and just take the case in as it's presented on the series, before delving into it further.

....can definitely see why Jarecky became so obsessed with the case tho. It's f*cking nuts.
prediction: the new movie Focus ends Will Smith's marriage.

margot robbie is just too much. 100% they were ****ing the whole time.