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OT: Movies/TV Shows

No! That' is rough.

This is from last June, so relatively recent...not bad for 43


Don't get me wrong...Margot Robbie is a ****ing rocket that every straight man on the planet wants to bash, but it's not like Will is going home to a hambeast.
Better Call Saul wow, it has really slipped already. Walter White just carried Breaking Bad on is back, made everyone around him so much better. Maybe they are starting this Saul show slowly but I have to say, they better get it going soon. No Walter White in this one. Saul is just not edgy like Walter was.
This is not supposed to be Breaking Bad and Saul is not supposed to be Walter White. When did Saul even show any edginess or Walter White traits in Breaking Bad?

This is not and was never meant to be Breaking Bad 2.0
Better Call Saul wow, it has really slipped already. Walter White just carried Breaking Bad on is back, made everyone around him so much better. Maybe they are starting this Saul show slowly but I have to say, they better get it going soon. No Walter White in this one. Saul is just not edgy like Walter was.
Don't forget though---the start of Walter White's story in Breaking Bad was a pretty slow burn too, as they set the stage for his transformation into "Heisenberg". Looks like they're doing the same kind of thing for "Saul" to set the stage for his eventual change from Jimmy McGill to Saul Goodman.

As well, as much as I think he's a very good actor, I think you're setting yourself up for disappointment if you're expecting Bob Odenkirk to be as good as Bryan Cranstron, who gave one of the all-time great acting performances as Walter White.
It took me two seasons to really get into BB.... I at first didn't like many of the characters like Hank, and even walter's wife and kid. It began too much like a comedy for me to really get in. It was by the end of the second and beginning of the third that I got hooked.

That's the problem now though, people only remember when they got in and were hooked. So TV shows aren't given the time for people to develop. People want to be hooked by the second episode. Everyone wants to be "binge worthy"
Saul is off to a good start and I am finding I do not miss Walt or Jesse. If and when they do appear it will be a huge moment but for now I am content with getting to know Saul's world.
to be honest, at the risk of backlash.... I could never really buy into the nerdy teacher becoming a badass, and jesse was just annoying imo.

saul is awesome. smart as **** but such a schmucky schlep too. totally believable and hhilarious.
BB covered the transformation from losers to players so well, so gradually, and believably. That was probably a big part of the charm of the show.