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OT: NFL thread

Damn NFL refs are bad. Seattle player wasn't in but replay didn't overturn it. McFadden looked to have caught and fumbles it, reversed to incomplete. Then Seattle calls a back to back timeouts which you can't do, refs stop game, saves Seattle from 12 men on field and what would have been a Dallas first down at the 15. Now they called an unsportsmanlike conduct foul for a blindside hit that wasn't blindside.
Sherman has had Dez in his hip pocket the whole game. Then Dez finally gets a first down and starts strutting around like he invented football.

Typical Cowthugs hubris.
Sherman has had Dez in his hip pocket the whole game. Then Dez finally gets a first down and starts strutting around like he invented football.

Typical Cowthugs hubris.

Bryant is coming off a foot injury so no surprise the Northwest Mouth got him today unlike last year when Bryant made him his bitch. Anyway, amazing how you hate us so much and hate the fact we are always the national game, yet you watched us when your Alouettes were on.

Another game we would have won with Romo and a better a HC.
Bryant is coming off a foot injury so no surprise the Northwest Mouth got him today unlike last year when Bryant made him his bitch. Anyway, amazing how you hate us so much and hate the fact we are always the national game, yet you watched us when your Alouettes were on.

Another game we would have won with Romo and a better a HC.

Only because the Als game quickly became unwatchable. Even then I was flipping back and forth while waiting for the Als game to end so that RDS could switch over to the Habs.

And I'm not buying the injury thesis. If you're well enough to suit up, then it's on. If you can't play, don't dress.
Well to use your excuse, Big Ben was "coming off an injury", and the Packers have more injuries than there is space to list them. They lost on the road to another undefeated team with a HOF quarterback. Considering the injuries, it's amazing that the Packers remained undefeated for as long as they did.

They'll still win the NFC North handily.
Well to use your excuse, Big Ben was "coming off an injury", and the Packers have more injuries than there is space to list them. They lost on the road to another undefeated team with a HOF quarterback. Considering the injuries, it's amazing that the Packers remained undefeated for as long as they did.

They'll still win the NFC North handily.

they will win the NFC Norris, yes. Cowboys won their division handily last year and you still said they were a fraud. Yet that fraud only lost to your alleged vastly superior Packers on a technical rule.

They have played a weak schedule so far as well.

I really do not care about both teams but it is funny how you have time to catch every Cowboys game even though you claim to hate them and hate the fact they are rammed down your throat, and always find a way to comment on them. Yet, you never comment when your three teams do not win. Why is that? Is it possible you are really a Cowboys' fan and deep down want to wear a Landryian fedora?
I watched the Steelers game earlier in the day. Pretty boring and I hate those vintage barber pole unis that the Steelers insist on keeping alive. I only watched the Dallas game because they were playing the Seahawks. I don't see it as watching the Cowboys; I was watching a Seahawks game like I try to do every week. I flipped back and forth between it and the Als-Esks game until the Habs-Jets game started.

I watched very little of the Packers game because I watched the Habs game until it was over then switched to the World Series. Can't really comment on a game I didn't watch.