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OT: NFL thread

Re: OT: NFL thread (Superbowl 50)

Manning was so generational and he changed how QB played the position with his intellect of the game.

For me, Manning is top 3 all-time...and his second ring will ensure most analyst will have him top 3....because no one will remember in 20 years that he has ''Dilfer'' in winning his second ring.

Montana, Brady, Manning, Marino are my top 4.....having seen all of them play. I can't speak for the guys I didn't see (Starr, Staubach, Unitas, ect).

Guys like Favre, Bradshaw, Elway are in the other tier....

I think most people would have Montana-Brady in the top 3 for sure......the rest is debatable I guess
Re: OT: NFL thread (Superbowl 50)

The question surrounding Brady is that every time they have won it all, there has been an allegation/proof of shenanigans. Personally I don't care but he gets off Scot free re those shenanigans whereas baseball guys are tarred and feathered.
Re: OT: NFL thread (Superbowl 50)

The question surrounding Brady is that every time they have won it all, there has been an allegation/proof of shenanigans. Personally I don't care but he gets off Scot free re those shenanigans whereas baseball guys are tarred and feathered.

I also forgot to add that Aikman would be in my top 10....easily one of the most underrated QB of all time.

As for Brady, numerous players around the league (QB) have said that pretty much everyone tries to cheat and does similar things.....but Pats are always the ones getting caught because people are out to get them.

Even the video spygate thing from a few years ago....apparently every team has done it at some point....but only Pats get caught ???
Re: OT: NFL thread (Superbowl 50)

Oh I don't doubt most teams do, that is why I don't care and don't see it as a knock on the legacy, but I think they get it because of their hubris and arrogance. If you or I destroyed a cell phone when asked to provide it to relevant authorities, we would be guillotined. Brady acted like **** you, it is my phone and I do what I want.
Re: OT: NFL thread (Superbowl 50)

How does the spying and deflating of footballs play into your theory?

The deflate-gate game was a blow out. Brady could have won it using a nerf football if he'd wanted to. And spying only benefits you if you have the requisite talent to exploit the intelligence. If the Cowboys had been spying Romo would probably still have thrown a pick six to lose the game.
Re: OT: NFL thread (Superbowl 50)

I assume then you do not care about Bonds alleged juicing because it only benefited him given he had the requisite talent to exploit it.
Re: OT: NFL thread (Superbowl 50)

I assume then you do not care about Bonds alleged juicing because it only benefited him given he had the requisite talent to exploit it.

Baseball is not football. Stats in football are largely meaningless. In baseball they are everything. Ergo, the integrity of the stats in baseball is of far greater importance to people than football stats.
Re: OT: NFL thread (Superbowl 50)

But the ultimate goal is to win is it not?

Let me put it this way:

Baseball is a reflection of how Americans see the best version of themselves. Football is a reflection of what they really are. Baseball stats are sacrosanct. No one is advocating that the games the Giants won with Bonds or the NL pennant they won with him should be vacated. But the numbers he racked up will always be viewed with skepticism.
Re: OT: NFL thread (Superbowl 50)

Steroids have existed for much longer than Bonds-Clemens era....

For sure some of the 60's-70's Hall of Famers were juicing....maybe not as sophisticated as Bonds did, but for sure....

Every era has it's cheaters....Denis Eckersley was prime example, he would rub his forehead before a pitch to get some sweat on his hands to be able to throw it with better effect.
Re: OT: NFL thread (Superbowl 50)

There have always been differing attitudes toward the types of cheating. You could call pass interference or holding on nearly every play from scrimmage but there's an old adage that goes "if you ain't cheatin' you ain't tryin'". In baseball, steroids are bad but corked bats and spitballs (which at one time were actually legal) are seen as more of a slap on the wrist type offence. You get punished but the judge is winking at you.

Another thing to consider when ranking quarterbacks is that the rules have changed. Today's NFL management realizes that their business is driven mostly by quarterbacks so rules have been introduced to better protect them. Take a look at the kind of punishment they used to take back in the 60's and 70's. Players today would be getting lifetime bans for that stuff today. And pass defence has basically been made illegal under the current rules. In the old days you could mug a receiver all the way down the field and never draw a flag. Today every time a pass goes incomplete the first thing the intended receiver does is put up his hands and whine for a flag to be thrown. Players today get suspended for the type of hits that used to put them into the Hall of Fame. So quarterbacks today are able to pad their stats to some extent because their lives have been made easier by the league than they were for those who came before them. Archie Manning took a more savage beating than both his sons put together. He wasn't scrambling for any reason other than to save his own life.
Re: OT: NFL thread (Superbowl 50)

That is true but baseball rejuvenated after 1994 with the long ball. Hell, even the drive for 71 in 2001 helped heal the US after the terrorist attacks. Bonds gets crapped on because he is not a likeable guy.
Re: OT: NFL thread (Superbowl 50)

IF wins and clutch matter, the Bills won pretty much every playoff game against miami in those years. Took Kelly retiring for Marino to beat the bills in the playoffs.

(not saying clutch does matter, but I keep hearing from some people here that it does).
Re: OT: NFL thread (Superbowl 50)

Just because Kelly could never win the big game doesn't mean he wasn't better than Marino. He was.