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OT: Politics & News... Have at it.

Hey thanks for all the details. Not that there's much I can add....but I'll try.

First off, Obama can veto the measure as he is likely to do. Secondly, the measure does not include selling off national parks and monuments.

This measure calls for the US Gov't to sell or auction off control of federal lands, back to individual State jurisdiction. They in turn can do as they wish with the land.

Anyway Xpo, this is a news thread where facts trump misinformation.
rebecca staab
Senate Republicans Vote To Sell Off Our National Parks To Private Industry

I'm reminded of that Simpsons episode where the crooked Congressman has a lobbyist in his office who wants to put an oil rig on top of Mount Rushmore.

"Basically we want to drill through Lincoln's head"
HIllary Clinton announces presidential run

Hey thanks for all the details. Not that there's much I can add....but I'll try.

First off, Obama can veto the measure as he is likely to do. Secondly, the measure does not include selling off national parks and monuments.

This measure calls for the US Gov't to sell or auction off control of federal lands, back to individual State jurisdiction. They in turn can do as they wish with the land.

Anyway Xpo, this is a news thread where facts trump misinformation.

well, ideally anyway.

A tweet like that isn't even news, it's a rumor tool that enables ignorant conclusions for less than honest reasoning. It serves no one well unless the end justifies the means, including bull$hit of which too much is flung by both the 'right' and 'left'.

This story of congress seeking to return control of some lands, none of which include national parks and federal monuments, to individual State jurisdiction....should be told truthfully, not with a baseless tweet from some hack that's a verifiable 4 star Pinocchio tale.

all it takes is a little integrity in at least wanting to avoid that garbage.
Clinton Begins The 2016 Campaign, And It’s A Toss-up

There’s already plenty of bad punditry regarding the chances of Hillary Clinton — who officially announced her candidacy on Sunday — to become the 45th president. You can find Democrats boasting about their “blue wall” in the Electoral College and how hard this will make it for any Republican to win. Or Republicans warning that the Democratic Party rarely wins three elections in a row.

Most of this analysis is flimsy. So is the commentary about the ups-and-downs in early swing state polls. And when you see some pundit declaring a minor misstep to be a “game changer,” find someone else to follow on Twitter.

The truth is that a general election win by Clinton — she’s very likely to become the Democratic nominee — is roughly a 50/50 proposition. And we’re not likely to learn a lot over the rest of 2015 to change that. Here’s why:


Finally we can look at what the polls say right now. If you’re going to do this, you should take the polls with whole tablespoons full of salt. And it’s probably best to look at the favorability ratings for each candidate rather than head-to-head polls, since favorability polls allow voters to say they don’t know enough about the candidates to have formulated an opinion. (Head-to-head polls taken this far out from the election will tend to favor candidates like Clinton with strong name recognition, by contrast.)
Hey thanks for all the details. Not that there's much I can add....but I'll try.

First off, Obama can veto the measure as he is likely to do. Secondly, the measure does not include selling off national parks and monuments.

This measure calls for the US Gov't to sell or auction off control of federal lands, back to individual State jurisdiction. They in turn can do as they wish with the land.

Anyway Xpo, this is a news thread where facts trump misinformation.

If you sell to the states and have no control over the land anymore, and if you don't put in provisos that the land not be developed or whatever, are you not in effect selling off the lands to Private industry?
If you sell to the states and have no control over the land anymore, and if you don't put in provisos that the land not be developed or whatever, are you not in effect selling off the lands to Private industry?

It sounds like you don't even have any faith in Liberal States with that assumption. Anyway, the short answer is no.
Should rename the thread then. Remove the word politics from it.

It shouldn't take an active imagination to report on the nuts and bolts of any piece of legislation. The fact that it's on paper makes it more straightforward than lying about it.
Justin Trudeau, MP ‏
Ce soir, on donne le coup de patin vers la Coupe Stanley! Quest for the cup begins tonight. #GoHabsGo @CanadiensMTL
Justinian has dropped in the polls and below the Harp for the 1st time in 2 years. Don't people know he's Margaret's boy?


Margaret Trudeau says she dreads 'bullying' attack ads against son Justin

"Justin has a wisdom... I'm very biased as his mum — but Justin's been through an awful lot in his life, and he's grown up on the knee of one of the world's great leaders."

"I'm not looking forward to the attack ads. I think it's straight out bullying, and I'm ashamed of Canadians for doing this — having this as part of their platform," she said.

lol Marg, you used to be an embarrassment yourself.