I will get banned again soon, worry not.
Another anti-immigration candidate who wouldn't be here if not for immigration. Rubio is the exact type of "anchor baby" that he and his ilk rail against at every opportunity.
well the muslims make better deals on the knockoff handbags, watches and sunglasses
Just another day, just another case of 'the religion of peace' going at it again, this time on a boat, innocent christians tossed overboard and killed by muslims:
You really expect today's liberal to give a crap when there's shopping to be done?
my wife got a Vuitton bag for 25 euro in Barcelona from some African guy, as well as a Prada for 20 euro just across the street from another African.
They understand our value seeking ways very well.
they do
He tried to get my wife to pay more than 25 for Vuitton because well it's Vuitton. She said guy across the street said 25 and started to walk away, he said oh ok.
They are funny. All the bags are on bed sheets tied with string on the corners. There are guys at both ends on phones watching for cops. When the cops are near, the bags end up in the sheet and boom, they run away.
At that weird Gaudi Park in Barcelona, we saw a cop chasing a bunch of the sales guys. Their cops need better physical training. The old gypsies and Africans were outrunning them while carrying the big bags.
I saw them in Italy too, and in Paris.
I suspect I will see them in Holland and Belgium this year too. Maybe they will sell me a replica Napoleonic cannon at Waterloo!
This is way too fkn funny. Osama wrong again. Obama is about as good with foreign policy as Stone is faking a wrist injury. US sending warships to prevent Iranian weapons getting into Yemen. But they can be trusted to not build nukes!