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Whoever said the provincial alberta NDP have high approval ratings, please check again. No details on their budget, no plans on debt repayment on the loan or what it will be used for ( the 6b they requested). Oh, and higher corporate taxes. Alberta couldn't have picked a worse time to elect such an incompetent party to run the province while oil prices are depressed.
Oh and companies really love her min wage hike lol. I guess there is a price to pay for socialism, but the NDP will get smoked next election because with commodity prices tanking, and the NDP thinking it's a good idea to raise taxes, those usually don't go well together for a resource driven economy.
Very good numbers compared to most other provinces.Really, the most significant number to me is the approval for Premier Notley having dropped quite a bit,” Maggi said. “But in context of where the approval numbers are for all the other provincial leaders, it’s a very solid, solid number.”
The time to make unpopular policy changes are in the first year in hopes that nobody remembers in year 4 reelection year.
I think the liberal premier did the same in Quebec.
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