As a biased liberal, I'll give my spin on trudeau's performance.
For a rookie leader, think he did quite well. He couldn't afford to be marginalized and concede the ABC role to mulcair. I don't think he did enough to win this election but I sure think he didn't lose it tonight. He was aggressive, which should help counter some of those ads saying he's a lightweight airhead. He wasn't overwhelmed by the three other very experienced opponents which was my main worry.
He wasn't able to give much specifics when it came to his plan, but I don't think any of the leaders did too much of that. He tried too hard to speak over others, which tends to be annoying. I understand that he needed to be very involved but it still got to me and the wife a bit. His arms were going g crazy, but between mulcair crazy eyes and harpers non smile, I'll call that a wash.
All told, a positive night for the liberals. I just hope that justin trudeau is playing the long game in the sense that he doesn't just resign ig he doesn't win the election. He looks like he's going to be able to just about triple his parties seat count to 90 something from the mid 30s in what looks like a upcoming minority parliament. He will hold the balance of power nobody who wins the minority and he can then hone his skills a bit. Seeing as this will probably be harpers last election he will have a bit of experience going up against a rookie CPC leader whenever the minority goverment falls. I think that counts as success when you consider the LPC was on its deathbed after the 2011 election results.
He reminds me a bit of Stephen Harper in the sense that he didn't win his first two elections but stuck it out until the Canadian public wasn't terrified of him anymore. If trudeau plays the long game and sticks it out I believe that within the next two minority parliaments we are likely to have that he will have positioned himself well.