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OT: Politics & News... Have at it.

He has a point.

Justin Trudeau
Stephen Harper’s latest tax promise depends on a balanced budget, but he hasn’t achieved one in 8 years. It's time for a new plan.
Trudeau just needs to mention that Harper has taken us into a recession and folks will question why they pick him as the best leader on the economy. Of course the answer is probably because Justin and the NDP would spend way more than Harper does so Stephen is likely the better of the three but we need to sell water or some more maple syrup because oil isn't cutting it lately.
JT means business...LOL

Justin Trudeau
Thanks @paulbrownboxfit for my first spar of the day

The "budgets balance themselves" quote.....is something that young Justin allowed to slip out of his pie hole. Not the Harp.

It seems Canadians are a little brighter than I gave them credit for. Justin running 3rd in the polls says it all when Canada is ready for a change in regimes. This should be the Liberals turn if not for the snowboard instructor the Libs want to promote. Good times for the NDP ahead, thanks to the inept Liberal party.

I told you guys it would be a long exile for the Libs.....hell, even longer than I anticipated if current form holds true.
Montreal to light bridge that is smaller than the Golden Gate bridge but will cost 25 million more.

VIVE LA QUEBEC !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Btw - wehave, do you now see that your estimates for building a mlb stadium are complete BS. It would cost double what you think. This is quebec, c la vie mon chum. haha

The new baseball stadium could no more have a deficit than a man could have a baby.

If I were the new owner and was in charge of getting a stadium built, I'd bring in workers from outside Quebec to do it and cut the syndicats out completely. You might need to call in the army to prevent disruptions to the construction schedule and put up with some bloody clashes in the streets but it's cheaper than allowing the usual suspects to get the contract and then take twice as long as scheduled to build a sub-standard structure that will be unsafe to use years before it's paid off.
The "budgets balance themselves" quote.....is something that young Justin allowed to slip out of his pie hole. Not the Harp.

It seems Canadians are a little brighter than I gave them credit for. Justin running 3rd in the polls says it all when Canada is ready for a change in regimes. This should be the Liberals turn if not for the snowboard instructor the Libs want to promote. Good times for the NDP ahead, thanks to the inept Liberal party.

I told you guys it would be a long exile for the Libs.....hell, even longer than I anticipated if current form holds true.

be careful what you wish for, you might get stuck with four years of NDP
The orange crush is almost inevitable.

I'm not convinced they will win in the end, but who knows. I suspect Harper and his Henchmen will pull out a minority. He will then prorogue parliament everytime he thinks he will lose a vote.