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OT: Politics & News... Have at it.

Lawrence H. Summers
Canada's Liberal Party is pushing what should be pushed in US-a major infrastructure initiative to get the economy going & build for future.
your boy hasn't balanced it either and has failed six straight times in attempting to do so,

Yes, considering we had one of the worst market corrections in history in '08 and he had to fight the libs/ndp with minority governments so it isn't surprising. But you do realize Moody's would quickly downgrade our debt if he took over with his garbage economic platform? You do know that right? Considering how many cutbacks we've had to healthcare, government and social services right now, the only way the NDP/Libs will be able to balance is by raising taxes or running deficits. I can't believe you support his garbage platform, a carbon tax? Give me a break..

It worked for Greece right? Lawyers are not allowed to be left wingers, it doesn't make sense. You do know that Trudeau's plan will include increased taxes for those making 150k+. You and all your buddies will have to fork over some more cash.
Lawrence H. Summers
Canada's Liberal Party is pushing what should be pushed in US-a major infrastructure initiative to get the economy going & build for future.

Except he also plans to increase the government quite a bit in size, which is fiscally irresponsible given the current market conditions on oil and most likely a slight stock market correction (bear market at some point in the near term). It's called spending foolishly.
Yes, considering we had one of the worst market corrections in history in '08 and he had to fight the libs/ndp with minority governments so it isn't surprising. But you do realize Moody's would quickly downgrade our debt if he took over with his garbage economic platform? You do know that right? Considering how many cutbacks we've had to healthcare, government and social services right now, the only way the NDP/Libs will be able to balance is by raising taxes or running deficits. I can't believe you support his garbage platform, a carbon tax? Give me a break..

It worked for Greece right? Lawyers are not allowed to be left wingers, it doesn't make sense. You do know that Trudeau's plan will include increased taxes for those making 150k+. You and all your buddies will have to fork over some more cash.

I admit that Harper and his Henchmen are best for me financially but I do not necessarily vote solely based on my pocketbook.

Harper cannot balance anything so not sure why some act like he is some kind of fiscal guru. The fear mongering from your ilk over the Liberal platform is funny given that in the end, you probably will end up with the Beard which is worse.

Moody's will not downgrade our debt because if they haven't already after this many years of large deficits, why would they now? Harper has presided over two recessions in Canada, not many can say that was the case. Liberals left the country in great fiscal shape and your boys have sent that down the toilet.
Except he also plans to increase the government quite a bit in size, which is fiscally irresponsible given the current market conditions on oil and most likely a slight stock market correction (bear market at some point in the near term). It's called spending foolishly.

you mean like giving the richest of the country an extra $60.00 a month per child or giving 1% families a $2,000.00 tax cut for no reason?
Trust me, I don't just vote for financial reasons.

NDP - filled with inexperienced candidates, many of whom come up with the dumbest statements on budget cuts and spending. Mulcair's promises on reversing the healthcare cuts do not seem realistic, where does he plan on finding the revenue? He will raise corporate taxes, again, not a wise move. His stance on oil sands/energy pipeline is going to kill a large part of the alberta/manitoba economy. He wants to re-implement the LGR (long gun registry) a complete waste of hundreds of millions of dollars. He's in bed with the unions, I will never trust a party that is that close to some of canada's largest unions, he's being used as a pawn. His view on quebec separation is quite worrisome, at least Trudeau responded to Mulcair's statement on that topic.

Liberals - JT, I mostly hate his foreign policy. Let's resume diplomatic relations and discussions with a state that has a proxy war against israel and supports a terrorist group that wants to wipe Israel off the map? His reactions to the domestic terrorist attacks in qc/ottawa were a red flag that something is up with him. Hell, even his response to the boston bombings led me to believe something is up with him. It's been reported for months he wanted to borrow some 20B possibly against the CPP to fund his infrastructure blitz. Again, the LGR, he seems to be on the fence about that one. As a firearms owner, and someone who believes in the right to defend my home and family, neither the NDP or Liberals offer me much comfort based on their reactions/comments to several instances where people have defended themselves. Again, his carbon tax, I will not vote for ANY god damn party that wants to justify their spending with it. We already have a carbon tax in QC, and yet every god damn person complains why gas is expensive. Except it will be on many other goods that this will apply to. It's a tax grab, that's all it will end up being. Like the NDP, the Liberals want to increase the size of the government. Bureaucracy = waste of tax payers money. Revoking terrorists passports? I mean come on, I sure as hell don't want these ISIS guys back in Canada, do you? If you want to go fight for ISIS, stay the **** out of my country. These guys are going to come back here and do their jihad crap, no thank you.
Except he also plans to increase the government quite a bit in size, which is fiscally irresponsible given the current market conditions on oil and most likely a slight stock market correction (bear market at some point in the near term). It's called spending foolishly.

Don't see that in the platform
xposbrad, the end of the world will not occur if either the NDP or Liberals come to power. The exaggerated fear mongering makes you look silly.
Trust me, I don't just vote for financial reasons.

NDP - filled with inexperienced candidates, many of whom come up with the dumbest statements on budget cuts and spending. Mulcair's promises on reversing the healthcare cuts do not seem realistic, where does he plan on finding the revenue? He will raise corporate taxes, again, not a wise move. His stance on oil sands/energy pipeline is going to kill a large part of the alberta/manitoba economy. He wants to re-implement the LGR (long gun registry) a complete waste of hundreds of millions of dollars. He's in bed with the unions, I will never trust a party that is that close to some of canada's largest unions, he's being used as a pawn. His view on quebec separation is quite worrisome, at least Trudeau responded to Mulcair's statement on that topic.

Liberals - JT, I mostly hate his foreign policy. Let's resume diplomatic relations and discussions with a state that has a proxy war against israel and supports a terrorist group that wants to wipe Israel off the map? His reactions to the domestic terrorist attacks in qc/ottawa were a red flag that something is up with him. Hell, even his response to the boston bombings led me to believe something is up with him. It's been reported for months he wanted to borrow some 20B possibly against the CPP to fund his infrastructure blitz. Again, the LGR, he seems to be on the fence about that one. As a firearms owner, and someone who believes in the right to defend my home and family, neither the NDP or Liberals offer me much comfort based on their reactions/comments to several instances where people have defended themselves. Again, his carbon tax, I will not vote for ANY god damn party that wants to justify their spending with it. We already have a carbon tax in QC, and yet every god damn person complains why gas is expensive. Except it will be on many other goods that this will apply to. It's a tax grab, that's all it will end up being. Like the NDP, the Liberals want to increase the size of the government. Bureaucracy = waste of tax payers money. Revoking terrorists passports? I mean come on, I sure as hell don't want these ISIS guys back in Canada, do you? If you want to go fight for ISIS, stay the **** out of my country. These guys are going to come back here and do their jihad crap, no thank you.

I figured that was the real reason.

NDP's 50+1 view is something with which I could never agree.

I wish Trudeau didn't support C-51 which I think is the worst piece of legislation in Canadian history. However, the NDP's Quebec policy more than offsets that for me.
Also, right now, it looks like whoever comes out on top will not have a majority, so there will need to be some compromise on the part of whichever party leads so as not to trigger an election within 6 months.
Gregor Robertson
Cities are Canada’s economic engines - Encouraging to see @JustinTrudeau commit to major long-term investment in transit + housing
Don't see that in the platform

Remember trudeau plans to scrap part of the TFSA contributions that the Conservatives have promised. His dad ran massive debts, so will he. He's already commented on how valuable unions are to this country, utter bs. With infrastructure spending like he's committed to, it's inevitable that he will have to hire people to handle these projects, which are wide ranging.
Remember trudeau plans to scrap part of the TFSA contributions that the Conservatives have promised. His dad ran massive debts, so will he. He's already commented on how valuable unions are to this country, utter bs. With infrastructure spending like he's committed to, it's inevitable that he will have to hire people to handle these projects, which are wide ranging.

I don't think what Daddy Trudeau did has any bearing on what JT will do.
Remember trudeau plans to scrap part of the TFSA contributions that the Conservatives have promised. His dad ran massive debts, so will he. He's already commented on how valuable unions are to this country, utter bs. With infrastructure spending like he's committed to, it's inevitable that he will have to hire people to handle these projects, which are wide ranging.

TFSA contribution increase only benefited the very rich like you. Hell, it prevents tax revenue which hurts the national coffers.

Remember those people hired, will pay tax,,,,
TFSA contribution increase only benefited the very rich like you. Hell, it prevents tax revenue which hurts the national coffers.

Remember those people hired, will pay tax,,,,

Right, and I guess Trudeau will grow the economy from the heart out, right? You like his policy on dealing with terrorists? That's pretty scary stuff that he's that relaxed and is cool with canadians going off to fight with ISIS and not having the balls to revoke their passports. Makes you wonder.
terrorism is not something we in Canada really can do much about, revoke one passport and another goes in his place and I won't be determining my vote based on whether a party gives a blank cheque to Israel or revokes a few passports.

I don't live in fear of a terrorist bogeyman. Hell, I was on the exact same train where the Moroccan went nuts in Belgium. It could have been me and if it were, there is nothing my govt in Ottawa could have done to stop it. I know with you being jewish, you are more in touch with that issue than me.

As for the economy, as you said, world events will basically determine how you go. You do not blame Harper because of world events. If Trudeau or the Beard are PM, they too will be beholding to world events. I know the dollar is in the toilet under your boys watch, deficits are higher under your boy, debt is higher, my interest rates are lower, the trade deficit is atrocious.

Harper should not be running on his economic record as he has not done very well in that regard. It is not a satisfying response to say, oh but if those guys were in power, we would be worse. Harper's way is not working. He has gotten stale.