terrorism is not something we in Canada really can do much about, revoke one passport and another goes in his place and I won't be determining my vote based on whether a party gives a blank cheque to Israel or revokes a few passports.
I don't live in fear of a terrorist bogeyman. Hell, I was on the exact same train where the Moroccan went nuts in Belgium. It could have been me and if it were, there is nothing my govt in Ottawa could have done to stop it. I know with you being jewish, you are more in touch with that issue than me.
As for the economy, as you said, world events will basically determine how you go. You do not blame Harper because of world events. If Trudeau or the Beard are PM, they too will be beholding to world events. I know the dollar is in the toilet under your boys watch, deficits are higher under your boy, debt is higher, my interest rates are lower, the trade deficit is atrocious.
Harper should not be running on his economic record as he has not done very well in that regard. It is not a satisfying response to say, oh but if those guys were in power, we would be worse.
There is always worse, look at what the NDP are doing on the provincial level right now. just when we thought we got rid of Marois, we now have Peladeau looking to stir shit up in this province. So ya, there definitely is always worse! Lower loonie should help exports, so we can see how it affects the trade deficit in a couple of quarters. Trudeau's brother and adviser are both on record with some seriously sketchy comments and beliefs. I just don't like JT, I have yet to hear anything good about him to be honest. Right now though, the NDP are projected to have a minority or majority, that's a whole lot more scary than JT going off queue with his speeches.