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OT: Politics & News... Have at it.

Makes perfect sense that Boehner resigns considering over 60% of GOP voters are dissatisfied with their own political party.

In other news, David Suzuki won't endorse Dustbin Trudeau's environmental policy....called him a "twerp" apparently. Told Junior that it's all political which he (Suzuki) won't abide by. The level headed son of Trudeau then lost it and called Suzuki's work "sanctimonious crap"

atta boy Justin. Like I said....boy. ;)

Suzuki lost the plot a long time ago and Trudeau was correct in labelling his rhetoric as "sanctimonious crap".

And as we have learned time and time again on this forum, when your adversary resorts to ad hominem attacks such as calling you a "twerp", it means they have nothing of substance with which to refute your argument.
Suzuki lost the plot a long time ago and Trudeau was correct in labelling his rhetoric as "sanctimonious crap".

And as we have learned time and time again on this forum, when your adversary resorts to ad hominem attacks such as calling you a "twerp", it means they have nothing of substance with which to refute your argument.

ad hominem, boo hoo, don't hurt my Justin

lol, but that's how you come across, while not sustaining one iota of this "substance", you claim is lacking in Suzuki's comments on Justin calling for a political endorsement.

You just didn't look for it.

Suzuki called out Justin on that phone conversation. He told Justin that his environmental policy is contradictory given Jr's support for Keystone and continued development of the tar sands. That's when Jr had a tantrum calling Suzuki's environmental position, sanctimonious....

Others view Suzuki as a man of principle and not for sale...

The other guy is a political ho.
Well looks like the Liberals have some holes in their economic platform. Honestly, if you are stupid enough to vote for them, you deserve the higher taxes you will pay.

I love their cliched motto, real change. They will need all your change to pay the bills! Hey count, why don't you send the govn't a nice advance on your next year's salary, you seem to love Turdeau.


This has nothing to do with with who loves who. It's a snapshot with what's happening in Canadian politics.

The NDP lost whatever credibility they had when they tried to become a more right-wing party (austerity and not going over budgets) while still promising to pay for everything. The NDP have not been able to define themselves properly during this election and it is really starting to hurt them. Outside of Quebec no one knows anything about Mulcair. They've ran a poor campaign and the polls are starting to reflect it.

The fact of the matter is that the Conservatives have had a solid week or two while the Liberals have been able to tap into the progressive vote more with their announcements on program and infrastructure funding. The NDP are faltering. They made the political decision to go after rural votes with more right-wing language and it's not working.
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Makes perfect sense that Boehner resigns considering over 60% of GOP voters are dissatisfied with their own political party.

In other news, David Suzuki won't endorse Dustbin Trudeau's environmental policy....called him a "twerp" apparently. Told Junior that it's all political which he (Suzuki) won't abide by. The level headed son of Trudeau then lost it and called Suzuki's work "sanctimonious crap"

atta boy Justin. Like I said....boy. ;)

To be fair, Suzuki went mad years ago and is essentially ignored by people under the age of 50. With that said, political parties need to balance the environment and jobs to get elected. Suzuki want's no balance. In his mind the environment trumps everything.
well Captain, that makes you the 2nd Justin supporter reminding me how irrelevant Suzuki has become. Pity your fair Leader was caught unaware of that revelation, while mistakenly seeking to align himself with Suzuki's environmental credentials.

Doesn't say much about Trudeau chasing down a zero sum game endorsement, does it?
Les Perreaux
You read right: Téléjournal reports two (2) women have tried to wear a niqab for a citizenship oath since 2011. That's 2 of 680,000 people.
well Captain, that makes you the 2nd Justin supporter reminding me how irrelevant Suzuki has become. Pity your fair Leader was caught unaware of that revelation, while mistakenly seeking to align himself with Suzuki's environmental credentials.

Doesn't say much about Trudeau chasing down a zero sum game endorsement, does it?

I'm not a Liberal, Conservative or NDP supporter. My comments we're based on analysis. Not partisanship.

There is no denying that Suzuki's endorsements or lack of have very little impact on the outcomes of elections. He's never endorsed the Conservatives and they are potentially on their way to 4th consecutive win. Another example would be the Liberals in BC.
I'm not a Liberal, Conservative or NDP supporter. My comments we're based on analysis. Not partisanship.

There is no denying that Suzuki's endorsements or lack of have very little impact on the outcomes of elections. He's never endorsed the Conservatives and they are potentially on their way to 4th consecutive win. Another example would be the Liberals in BC.

Really? You seem to be a pretty big booster of Trust Fund Justin. Just saying.
While I believe history will judge Obama as a great president, this is one area where he has not excelled in.
The people aren't the problem. Money in politics is the problem. Citizens United is the problem. The government is for sale and "the people" can't out-spend the corporations and special interests. They no longer assassinate Presidents anymore. They don't have to. By the time anyone takes the oath of office they've been bought and paid for. The President is mostly a figurehead and with a two term limit he or she is a transient, ever-changing figurehead.
Like many have said.

When gun control wasnt an issue with the murder of kids (Sandy Hook) it was over.
Like many have said.

When gun control wasnt an issue with the murder of kids (Sandy Hook) it was over.

It actually became more of a opportunity for the pro-gun people to demand that all teachers in the US carry a gun in the classroom to prevent that sort of mass violence. It's amazing how 2 people can see things so differently.
It's hard for people not living in the US to understand the gun culture here. People are really passionate about their gun and they are not going to let go of their "liberty" easily. I don't think any amount of life would make a difference in their view.