Fox News was implying it was some kind of anti-Christian pogrom.
Put it this way:
When the USA decided that 20 four and five year olds getting their heads blown off by a legally bought weapon was ok (no one even talks about Sandy Hook anymore) the gun debate ended in the States.
Frankly, if Americans don't care about the death they bring to each-other, why should we?
I used to care and feel bad for Americans when it came to guns, but when they decided that Sandy Hook was no big deal I stopped caring.
Also hearing today that the gunmen got all of his weapons legally... had a bunch more in his apartment. He apparently was starting to get angry with society especially black males and talked a lot about some of the other massacre attacks recently as if those guys were hero's or something. Gee... I guess no one saw what happened yesterday coming though. At what point do we start to put some blame on family members or friends for not reporting people who talk about massacre killers as wonderful as they play with their multiple guns and body armor?
Don't get it wrong, they care, they are just disagreeing on the way to solve this issue. It's way more complicated that it may seems. With the amount of guns already in circulation in the US, a simple ban wouldn't solve anything. Background checks and gun registration won't solve anything either. So if it won't solve anything, why do it?
Best post ever.Don't tell me that a background check and registration for firearms isn't worth doing just because "criminals" won't abide by the rules. You have to get a licence to drive and if you buy a car you have to register and insure it. Just because some people drive without licences or insurance doesn't mean we should get rid of licencing drivers and registering their vehicles. By that logic we should just wipe all the laws prohibiting murder because criminals will still murder people even if it's against the law.
We have now reached the tipping point in the US where gun deaths now outnumber deaths in automobile accidents. I don't think they got there because people suddenly became more conscientious drivers and stopped having so many accidents.
To me it's simple: you want a gun? Fine. You get a licence to operate it safely. That licencing process will include a background check. If you're a convicted felon, you don't get a licence. If you've spent time in a lunatic asylum, you don't get a licence. And if you do get a licence and use it to buy a gun be prepared to pay for insurance just like you do with a car. Your licence expires or your insurance lapses? Bye bye gun. You get arrested in possession of a firearm while intoxicated? Bye bye gun. You get caught with a firearm and you don't have a licence and/or insurance? Your gun goes bye bye, you get fined and/or jailed and you are prohibited from owning another gun. You commit a crime with the gun? You never get to own one ever again.
You can't pretend to advocate "responsible gun ownership" as the NRA does, and then oppose every measure that would put the onus on those supposedly responsible people. A responsible gun owner with nothing to hide should be able to handle and store one safely and securely. They should have a licence to prove that and every gun they own should be registered and insured. It won't end all gun violence but it will at least demonstrate that gun ownership carries with it a lot of responsibility specifically because guns are inherently dangerous.
Think about this for just a second and let it sink in: You can't get a job as a department store Santa Claus without a background check and a drug test but you can waltz into a gun show and buy enough firepower to start a war with nothing more than a credit card. Hell, the credit card doesn't even have to belong to you. Just steal someone else's.
Don't tell me that a background check and registration for firearms isn't worth doing just because "criminals" won't abide by the rules. You have to get a licence to drive and if you buy a car you have to register and insure it. Just because some people drive without licences or insurance doesn't mean we should get rid of licencing drivers and registering their vehicles. By that logic we should just wipe all the laws prohibiting murder because criminals will still murder people even if it's against the law.
We have now reached the tipping point in the US where gun deaths now outnumber deaths in automobile accidents. I don't think they got there because people suddenly became more conscientious drivers and stopped having so many accidents.
To me it's simple: you want a gun? Fine. You get a licence to operate it safely. That licencing process will include a background check. If you're a convicted felon, you don't get a licence. If you've spent time in a lunatic asylum, you don't get a licence. And if you do get a licence and use it to buy a gun be prepared to pay for insurance just like you do with a car. Your licence expires or your insurance lapses? Bye bye gun. You get arrested in possession of a firearm while intoxicated? Bye bye gun. You get caught with a firearm and you don't have a licence and/or insurance? Your gun goes bye bye, you get fined and/or jailed and you are prohibited from owning another gun. You commit a crime with the gun? You never get to own one ever again.
You can't pretend to advocate "responsible gun ownership" as the NRA does, and then oppose every measure that would put the onus on those supposedly responsible people. A responsible gun owner with nothing to hide should be able to handle and store one safely and securely. They should have a licence to prove that and every gun they own should be registered and insured. It won't end all gun violence but it will at least demonstrate that gun ownership carries with it a lot of responsibility specifically because guns are inherently dangerous.
Think about this for just a second and let it sink in: You can't get a job as a department store Santa Claus without a background check and a drug test but you can waltz into a gun show and buy enough firepower to start a war with nothing more than a credit card. Hell, the credit card doesn't even have to belong to you. Just steal someone else's.
If one mass shooting is averted then it's worth doing IMHO. But in addition to these measures the only thing that will make an impact is to re-interpret the intent of the Founding Fathers when they wrote the Second Amendment. Or they need to repeal it altogether.
If one mass shooting is averted then it's worth doing IMHO. But in addition to these measures the only thing that will make an impact is to re-interpret the intent of the Founding Fathers when they wrote the Second Amendment. Or they need to repeal it altogether.
You can do more
Hate to sound defeatist but no one can in the here & now, until the "face" of the country changes - this is an A.D.D society. Not enough people care, or are outraged for more than the standard 3-day coverage on CNN, FOX. Combine that with the reality of American independence being gained through the militia's use of a gun, and that symbol is ingrained in the "heartland"...You can do more