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OT: Politics & News... Have at it.

It's hard for people not living in the US to understand the gun culture here. People are really passionate about their gun and they are not going to let go of their "liberty" easily. I don't think any amount of life would make a difference in their view.
Yup - people I work with, highly educated, progressive thinking, open minded people, food, culture, travel etc., but own upwards of 20-guns at home.

I live in the Northeast, a 45-min train ride into Grand Central, not Deep South somewhere...

NRA enrollment is at an all time low, more people are not seemingly "getting into guns", moreover its gun owners who are building their inventory IMO.
Yup - people I work with, highly educated, progressive thinking, open minded people, food, culture, travel etc., but own upwards of 20-guns at home.

I live in the Northeast, a 45-min train ride into Grand Central, not Deep South somewhere...

NRA enrollment is at an all time low, more people are not seemingly "getting into guns", moreover its gun owners who are building their inventory IMO.

Yeah I think it's going to take a generation or two for things to change. Problem is the younger generation are also getting into the "protection" business as they are scared of what can happen.

I keep fighting back my wife on the idea of owning a gun. She wants us to own one for "protection". It's not gonna happen.
Yep if that didn't change anything nothing will.
Just as there was zero chance in hell of gay marriage even being part of the conservative US consciousness one generation ago, now it's widely accepted, even in the most conservative states.

If NRA enrollment was keeping pace I'd agree, but it's not, it's in a nosedive, all time low, and only getting lower. NRA comes out after every incident, more as a means of promotion, marketing & publicity than protection of their cause.

As Waz stated it will take 20-30yrs but there will be a change in the overall mindset, especially with the "darkening" of America - growth amongst the Latino, Asian populations etc..
Les Perreaux
You read right: Téléjournal reports two (2) women have tried to wear a niqab for a citizenship oath since 2011. That's 2 of 680,000 people.

This is irrelevant. If I am say, and Italian, and I go for the citizenship oath with something hiding my face, would they allow me to do it? If the answer is yes, than this is indeed a none issue.

If the answer is no, this is where lies the issue. I'm against any exception rules that applies to minorities, especially people who comes to Canada but won't start to live like Canadians.
Yeah I think it's going to take a generation or two for things to change. Problem is the younger generation are also getting into the "protection" business as they are scared of what can happen.

I keep fighting back my wife on the idea of owning a gun. She wants us to own one for "protection". It's not gonna happen.

I agree with you that there is very little you can do with the current and older generation.

I think at this point, the US has to make it harder for newer generation to get guns and thus, with time, the number of gun owners would lower by itself.
This is irrelevant. If I am say, and Italian, and I go for the citizenship oath with something hiding my face, would they allow me to do it? If the answer is yes, than this is indeed a none issue.

If the answer is no, this is where lies the issue. I'm against any exception rules that applies to minorities, especially people who comes to Canada but won't start to live like Canadians.

I have a feeling the original French and English settlers from Europe didn't quite start living like "Canadians" when they came over. Of course it is a non issue as the women in question had shown their identity to get the citizenship. It is only the public oath taking where they wanted to wear their veil. While I don't like the full face covering personally, we all know why the politicians jump on this particular issue. Since the beginning of time, immigrants have always taken a generation at least to more fully integrate into the countries they go to. It doesn't mean the vast majority don't follow the laws and pay their taxes, etc. It is just the way it is.
Not sure how that means Nutandyahoo isn't a terrorist. Yesterday he all but said he will reign terror on Iran.

You do know that Iran has several proxy wars, one being against Israel by arming Hezbollah. Now Iran is directly getting involved with Syria, so ya, no shit Netanyahu needs to make sure Israeli security interests are protected. But you already knew that didn't you.
Put it this way:

When the USA decided that 20 four and five year olds getting their heads blown off by a legally bought weapon was ok (no one even talks about Sandy Hook anymore) the gun debate ended in the States.

Frankly, if Americans don't care about the death they bring to each-other, why should we?

I used to care and feel bad for Americans when it came to guns, but when they decided that Sandy Hook was no big deal I stopped caring.