Canadiens Moderator
I like Carson's voice -- wish Siri sounded like that.
I always imagined Siri with James Earl Jones' voice....
I like Carson's voice -- wish Siri sounded like that.
Bombing something, but not sure it is ISIS
Apparently they've been doing quite a number on ISIS, way more effective than anything the US have done over their. Of course the US is more concerned over Assad than ISIS.
That's because Russians don't care if there's civilians or not in the area....I'd like to see the collateral damage numbers
That's because Russians don't care if there's civilians or not in the area....I'd like to see the collateral damage numbers
Good. And Obama should follow Trudeau's lead and let Iran and ISIS kill each other off.
That's because Russians don't care if there's civilians or not in the area....I'd like to see the collateral damage numbers
Interesting rumbling from the Conservative camp that I was not expecting.
For all of the talk of the CPC and their large war chest, and how they would be ready for another election right away, rumor has it that the party is in debt.
I wonder if they talked about the anti us documentary Trudeau's brother made?
xposbrad, I noticed you didn't report on Netanyahu's latest anti-Arab slur
Israel's Netanyahu stirs trouble by linking late Muslim leader to Holocaust
Maybe you should read the article first. There was no "anti-Arab slur" by Bibi. He may have have been historically inaccurate but that's about it.
The man lives to incite emotions in the area. Peace is a dirty word to him