Cordon bleu last night. It's been a long while since I cooked any chicken breast but fuck that shit is bone dry without slathering on a nice fatty sauce.
Anyway, I'm getting sushi tonight. Like my fourth night in seven months to go to a restaurant at night.
May as well since I think they're either shutting shit down soon again, or it's just going to get too cool at night to want to be outside even with heater lamps (next week in the 50s consistently in the evening). So one last hurrah.
Can't agree with this one, though I'm open to giving it more of a shot.
As a kid, I wouldn't touch dark meat. Had a "gooiness" and ugliness to it compared to the pristine white meat. But I can see liking it if it's removed from the bone and cleaned up a bit before serving. Otherwise it's just a bit too ugly to be appetizing to me for some reason.