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OT: The News Thread

Hurricane (now post-tropical storm) Lee is coming for us today.

Already over 100,000 people without power in NS and the storm has not even made landfall.

Was already too windy this morn to walk the doggo, so we're battening down the hatches for the day. We still have power, which is fortunate, but our friend's about 15 mins walk from us do not.

Watching the wind out our front window is pretty fucked, not like anything I've ever really seen before. And the worst is still to come. Should be an interesting weekend. After Fiona last year we had no power for five days...
Hurricane (now post-tropical storm) Lee is coming for us today.

Already over 100,000 people without power in NS and the storm has not even made landfall.

Was already too windy this morn to walk the doggo, so we're battening down the hatches for the day. We still have power, which is fortunate, but our friend's about 15 mins walk from us do not.

Watching the wind out our front window is pretty fucked, not like anything I've ever really seen before. And the worst is still to come. Should be an interesting weekend. After Fiona last year we had no power for five days...

yeah I’m right on the water here on PEI, and it’s never fun seeing that water encroach closer and closer to the lawn. (Hurricane Fiona, had waves crashing into my backyard).

hoping it doesn’t do anywhere near the damage to trees that Fiona did….but any that had their structural integrity compromised during that, likely go down this time.
yeah I’m right on the water here on PEI, and it’s never fun seeing that water encroach closer and closer to the lawn. (Hurricane Fiona, had waves crashing into my backyard).

hoping it doesn’t do anywhere near the damage to trees that Fiona did….but any that had their structural integrity compromised during that, likely go down this time.
which coast of the island is your property on? would imagine the north coast takes less of a hit in this one?

cannot imagine what it would be like to be right on the water and see/feel the ocean approaching... ominous.

in Halifax at least, my impression was that Dorian actually did far more damage to the trees than Fiona. partially to do with the track of the storm (we took a more direct hit from Dorian), but hopefully Lee does less than Fiona.

on the flipside to what you said above, between Dorian and Fiona, most of the weaker/older trees would have been downed or lost limbs, so hopefully what is still standing is stronger.

Of course, having said that, there's already a large tree down on a fairly main road on the peninsula here. and our power flickered repeatedly throughout the night.
which coast of the island is your property on? would imagine the north coast takes less of a hit in this one?

east coast of the island, where the ocean becomes the river.

water level is up fairly high already, but the wind is blowing out, so far so good. And it does look like we won’t be in the direct path of the heart of the storm.

cannot imagine what it would be like to be right on the water and see/feel the ocean approaching... ominous.

waking up to waves crashing onto the property was pretty sickening

in Halifax at least, my impression was that Dorian actually did far more damage to the trees than Fiona. partially to do with the track of the storm (we took a more direct hit from Dorian), but hopefully Lee does less than Fiona.

on the flipside to what you said above, between Dorian and Fiona, most of the weaker/older trees would have been downed or lost limbs, so hopefully what is still standing is stronger.

good point. not getting the amount of rainfall we had then will help keep so many from getting uprooted too.
To me the big tell that he’s probably guilty, is that he leans into this conspiracy of it being a “co-ordinated attack” against him…..which just seems like attempting to weaponize his grift of conspiracies, hoping to create a narrative amongst his viewers that he’s been framed, and maintaining as much of that income stream as possible.

If I’m accused of something I didn’t do, I’m not making a frantic wide eyed coked out video (okay, maybe coked out) wildly gesticulating about how it’s a grand conspiracy against me…I’d actually discuss the facts, and why I’m confident the legal process playing out will help demonstrate that innocence.

…..but there’s almost nothing here trying to convince the public he’s innocent imo, so much as just trying to shield himself from blame via the magical protection of “conspiracy”, while conning his viewers into keeping the grift going.
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She was treated at a rape crisis centre on the same day, according to medical records. Text messages show that in the hours after leaving his house, she told Brand that she had been scared by him and felt taken advantage of, adding: “When a girl says NO it means no.” Brand replied saying he was “very sorry”.

I take it all back, didn’t realize he’d said sorry.
Anyone remember Russell Brand?

Well....this is one way to try to get ahead of rape allegations.

I’d honestly forgotten this dude existed. Kind of crazy that he was the “IT” guy in movie comedies and a rising star, and he tossed it all away to board the crazy conspiracy train.
I’d honestly forgotten this dude existed. Kind of crazy that he was the “IT” guy in movie comedies and a rising star, and he tossed it all away to board the crazy conspiracy train.

He's only interesting to me as yet another example of how truly shit these people who fall down the rightwing conspiracy wormhole are. The percentage of them who turn out to be some sort of rapist/abuser is epic.
He's only interesting to me as yet another example of how truly shit these people who fall down the rightwing conspiracy wormhole are. The percentage of them who turn out to be some sort of rapist/abuser is epic.

the thing I find fascinating about the likes of him, the Weinsteins, and even Rogan to a degree….is how much (imo) they’ve allowed viewership of their content dictate how deep they go into these conspiracies, and how willing they are to bold face lie so long as it keeps the conspiracy grift going.

Brand was largely a far left, anti-capitalist for the first few years on YouTube, but he never really gained much traction until he leaned into some far right conspiracy theories, and then took off.

Similarly Brett Weinstein became a pure anti-vaxx grifter after he had a podcast on it, and his views took off….before long that was just about the only topic he discussed. Jordan Peterson was originally pro-vax, then did a full 180 once he saw which way the griffin’ winds were blowing……Eric Weinstein is now peddling in UFO griftin’….

If some journalist or documentarian was willing to put in the work, you could easily use their viewership data & subsequent shows to track their evolution in this direction…

…same with Rogan legit being brainwashed over the years by all these dolts, into becoming more and more right wing, by simply lauding him with praise for how genius he is, how brilliant his questions are, how he’s doing the journalistic work mainstream media is scared to do….before spending two hours shitting on the left, while soft peddling right-wing talking points.
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Just a fair warming to anyone reading this, it goes into a fair amount of detail with all the women.

…but given the similarities in the stories, the evidence many of the women have, the people they spoke to it about it in the moment, etc etc…it’ll be a sin if he doesn’t end up in prison, cause it seems pretty clear the guy is a groomer and a serial rapist.
the thing I find fascinating about the likes of him, the Weinsteins, and even Rogan to a degree….is how much (imo) they’ve allowed viewership of their content dictate how deep they go into these conspiracies, and how willing they are to bold face lie so long as it keeps the conspiracy grift going.

Brand was largely a far left, anti-capitalist for the first few years on YouTube, but he never really gained much traction until he leaned into some far right conspiracy theories, and then took off.

Similarly Brett Weinstein became a pure anti-vaxx grifter after he had a podcast on it, and his views took off….before long that was just about the only topic he discussed. Jordan Peterson was originally pro-vax, then did a full 180 once he saw which way the griffin’ winds were blowing……Eric Weinstein is now peddling in UFO griftin’….

If some journalist or documentarian was willing to put in the work, you could easily use their viewership data & subsequent shows to track their evolution in this direction…

…same with Rogan legit being brainwashed over the years by all these dolts, into becoming more and more right wing, by simply lauding him with praise for how genius he is, how brilliant his questions are, how he’s doing the journalistic work mainstream media is scared to do….before spending two hours shitting on the left, while soft peddling right-wing talking points.

I think with Brand specifically and with some of the others you’ve mentioned, they’re just soulless grifters who don’t really believe in anything aside from what’s in their own best interest.

Like with Brand—he was your bog standard Hollywood progressive when he was trying to be a film star. But I’m pretty sure his switch to right-wing freedom fighter coincided with “Me Too” becoming a thing.

So in part, I’m sure that switch was a purely defensive mechanism. He knew accusations were coming his way eventually and needed to be able to call them “fake news” and have the support of a new fanbase.