Hartenstein 3/87
Yeah, it's actually a fairly easy argument to make that Iowa probably had a better roster than her pro team. She's literally too good for her teammates to keep up.Yeah, the people who have been shitting on Caitlin (they get quieter and quieter as we go fwiw) keep pointing out her high turnover numbers.
I watched a bit of a game 2 weeks ago, saw her hit 2 crazy step backs but also turn the ball over 3 times. Once her fault and two, like in the video, passes that hit her team mates right in the fucking hands.
iHart is a great fit in OKC.
and relative to JV getting 3/30 in Washington, just massive disperity.He's exactly what they need at the 5, and he's enough of an analytic darling to back up the evaluation, but that's still a big contract for a guy who put up 8/8 last year.