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OT: The Official Toronto Raptors Thread

Who is left out there that could help us? Do we even have room?

The way we structured the Temple deal (vet minimum, left the MLE alone) gives us room to take on salary in a mid season trade. So I'm going to guess that Masai is angling towards that.

I think he looks at his rotation right now and sees this:

C - Jake
PF - Scottie
SG - Brown

Bench: Kelly, Vezenkov, Gravy, Davion, Boucher, Ochai

and knows it's probably scrapping for a play in spot and needs some adds but he's positioned himself to take on salary in a Brown/Boucher trades (Wiggins, Cam, Garland *was rumoured to want out if Spider re upped, and he just did*, Grant) and wants to see what this young nucleus looks like with a full off season and training camp as a group. You don't have to squint hard to see Fringe All NBA Scottie, 20/8 IQ, and plus starter RJ being a thing. They all showed it for large chunks of last season, just not really together. If even 2 of those 3 things become a thing, it gets a whole lot easier to see what we're really missing to push into being a top 5-6 in the conference team and gets way easier to justify spending assets on guys older than the rest of the group to accelerate it.
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