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OT: The Toronto Blue Jays

Don't get why Jays wouldn't add Feldman at that price. AA baffles me at times with his thinking

Because it's possible if not probable that Feldman is no better than Hutchison, Stroman or Happ....or at least not better enough to justify 10M per year...and 3 years to boot....in 2-3 years he might be in the way.
yeah I really have no problem with AA not giving all these bottom rotation guys $10m contracts. No need for that at all.

Getting a guy with top of the rotation potential should be the only goal.
I'm conflicted because the roster is in a win now mode, but the prices on the "top tier" FA's seem to be insane....and they aren't really top tier, but to stand back is almost devaluing the deals they made last year even further.
Yeah there is no way the Jays can afford to pick up Price. Got to think that Tampa would probably require more from us since it would be a divisional trade.
Because it's possible if not probable that Feldman is no better than Hutchison, Stroman or Happ....or at least not better enough to justify 10M per year...and 3 years to boot....in 2-3 years he might be in the way.

Yup, was just going to post basically the same thing.

Last time I take Jeff Blair and Dirk Hayhurst seriously. They were the ones that convinced me Jay Z was a NY factor (because of how he wanted Cano to be the MLB endorsement version of Michael Jordan).

Add the endorsements to playing in New York at likely a very similiar offer in terms of salary and length makes you gotta think that Cano is missing out on some extra money here.

My bad on that one.
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Endorsements mean shit all. If that was the case the Leafs would be the recipient of every elite free agent of their choice. Money and term talks above all other considerations.
NOt so sure about that. When is the last time a Maple Leaf has received a lucrative endorsement deal? Might also be due to the fact that we haven't had a superstar since Mats Sundin.

Sidney Crosby as a Maple Leaf would have endorsements beyond his wildest dreams i figure though. These companies would be all over it.

Then again, hockey players aren't very marketable in the US markets. No one cares.

Baseball is different, as its considered an "American" pastime, so maybe a superstar in a market such as New York would receive more endorsement deals than in Seattle.
Ehhh I don't even think that's true for baseball players.

Really the only truly marketable athletes in the American sports market are basketball players and NFL'ers.
Last time I take Jeff Blair and Dirk Hayhurst seriously. They were the ones that convinced me Jay Z was a NY factor (because of how he wanted Cano to be the MLB endorsement version of Michael Jordan).

Add the endorsements to playing in New York at likely a very similiar offer in terms of salary and length makes you gotta think that Cano is missing out on some extra money here.

My bad on that one.

More than made up by the extra millions the Mariners are shovelling his way.
I doubt they were off by 80 million.

I dont get how 2 team competing for 1 player can be $80 million dollars apart in an offer. Makes no sense.

I could be wrong, but thats stupid business if thats the case.