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OT: The Toronto Blue Jays

Is that really such a bad thing though. These 10 year dea;s haven't exactly been paying off. Lots of risk, and these guys are typically older or fatter, or have some red flags. Most of these aren't A-Rod in his prime. And even there Texas bailed.

It is when you automatically remove yourself from ever signing a top UFA and have to rely on trades all the time.
If the Jays have such a rule, I suspect it's not unlike Burkes where it only applies broadly to certain players, while for the right guy they're more than willing to go longer.
Have to think a large reason for such a "rule" though, has to do with Vernon Wells.....to this day they must still shudder at the thought of how close we were to being stuck with that albatross on our books.

When you dodge a bullet like that, you're gonna be real careful about how you handle such contracts in the future.

.....moreover it creates a bit of a selling feature out of thin air, because when you do decide you want to hand out a long term deal to a certain guy, you can open with "Listen, it's common knowledge around baseball that we have a strick 5 year rule on contracts, but we believe so highly in you, we're willing to make an exception."
If the Jays have such a rule, I suspect it's not unlike Burkes where it only applies broadly to certain players, while for the right guy they're more than willing to go longer.

Apparently Cano's people approached the Jays, and talks went nowhere because of 5 year rule.

If Cano isnt the right guy...then who is?

Not to say i'd advocate 10/240....but if you arent even willing to make an offer, that's a little telling.
I've always been convinced the 5 year limit was imposed so the Jays could always have a go to excuse for not paying a top tier UFA.

Seeing as how zero top UFA's take less than 5.

I don't understand why they are even talking about David Price, as he too would command well north of 5 years

No, this has always been Beeston's policy. Heck, back in the day he wouldn't sign a pitcher past 4 years.
Apparently Cano's people approached the Jays, and talks went nowhere because of 5 year rule.

If Cano isnt the right guy...then who is?

Not to say i'd advocate 10/240....but if you arent even willing to make an offer, that's a little telling.

Prince Fielder made the same comment as well. We made an offer two years ago but wouldn't go past 5 years.

I do not blame Rogers for this because they have gone past this limit before with Wells. This is a Paul Beeston policy.
You'd have to think it's ownerships policy. But, I've been wrong before.

Under the Beeston/Gillick/Ash regimes, this has always been the policy. Beeston has continued it since he has returned.

Under Paul Godfrey they went to 7 years for Vernon Wells.

They used to have a rule under the Beeston/Gillick led teams were they wouldn't go past 4 years for a starting pitcher.

Beeston has since upped it to 5 years.

This has been confirmed by many media sources as well as players the jays were after. Heck, if you followed the jays way back when this was common knowledge.
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Apparently Cano's people approached the Jays, and talks went nowhere because of 5 year rule.

If Cano isnt the right guy...then who is?

Not to say i'd advocate 10/240....but if you arent even willing to make an offer, that's a little telling.

I don't trust baseball rumours at all, but IF that is true it's an interesting question.

It is possible that the Jays need to save all available funds for pitching.

People keep saying we don't have the assets to get Price, but doesn't Sanchez, Stroman, Gose and Nolin get him?

Not saying I would do that, but I think we have more assets than the TO media is trying to tell people"
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Apparently Cano's people approached the Jays, and talks went nowhere because of 5 year rule.

If Cano isnt the right guy...then who is?

Not to say i'd advocate 10/240....but if you arent even willing to make an offer, that's a little telling.

All the American networks are saying the Yanks did the right thing by not going to 10 years.

Honestly guys, I really think Cano will fizzle out when he's 34 or 35 in Seattle.
I don't trust baseball rumours at all, but IF that is true it's an interesting question.

It is possible that the Jays need to save all available funds for pitching.

People keep saying we don't have the assets to get Price, but doesn't Sanchez, Stroman, Gose and Nolin get him?

Not saying I would do that, but I think we have more assets than the TO media is trying to tell people"

You do not even have to listen to the rumors, the Jays won't go over 5 years. That is Beeston policy. He has even been a little bit loose with that since it used to be more strict.
I don't trust baseball rumours at all, but IF that is true it's an interesting question.

It is possible that the Jays need to save all available funds for pitching.

People keep saying we don't have the assets to get Price, but doesn't Sanchez, Stroman, Gose and Nolin get him?

Not saying I would do that, but I think we have more assets than the TO media is trying to tell people"

I guess it would, but you really want to give up all that for 1 year of Price?

Price only makes sense for that with an extension IMO, which i do not see.

And if Seattle is offering a Taijaun Walker, then it would be super hard to top it.