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OT: The Toronto Blue Jays

You can't talk about the acquisition cost of trades not making sense AND be a gay about 5 year deals in free agency.

It means it's all but certain you will not land a player that matters.

I don't agree with that at all. Look at what the Red Sox did last year. They dumped all their "players that matter" and just made smart signings that don't kill your team in the long run. And it worked out great.

I would completely avoid the big time free agents in baseball. No way in hell I'd want to be stuck with Hamilton, Pujols, Fielder, Cano etc. And those teams aren't even winning championships anyway.

I also don't think you can afford to make too many of the deals the Jays did last off season.
I don't agree with that at all. Look at what the Red Sox did last year. They dumped all their "players that matter" and just made smart signings that don't kill your team in the long run. And it worked out great.

I would completely avoid the big time free agents in baseball. No way in hell I'd want to be stuck with Hamilton, Pujols, Fielder, Cano etc. And those teams aren't even winning championships anyway.

I also don't think you can afford to make too many of the deals the Jays did last off season.

The Red Sox aren't a fair comparable.

I don't think for a second that guys like Victorino, Napoli, et al come to Toronto on such nice deals.

Boston is one of those places that players take less to go to.
But those aren't the kind of guys that you are talking about that are getting 6+ year deals and AA won't sign either. Thats the point.

There is value in the baseball market, and it doesn't seem to be in the big sexy moves.
I don't know. The Jays had a bad year last year, but just through health alone they should be better this year. Between Morrow, Happ, Drabek, and Hutchenson they didn't even get 150 innings last year. Between Morrow, Drabek and Hutch they got 50. And those are decent enough arms. Stroman looks like he could be ready to jump up too.

IMO if you believed in the core you put together last year, no reason to not believe in them now. They really don't have to do anything insane to be a competitive team. And making a panic move just because of the disappointing year only exasperates the problem. The organization made the decision that Sanchez and Stroman were the guys they believed in and wanted to keep. You can't turn around on that now out of pure desperation.

IMO this 5 year talk isn't about trying to save his ass and manage expectations. Its a sign that he still believes in what they have built here.

As we have seen making huge offseason splashes isn't always the easy path to winning.

The offensive core is fine. But is you think the likes of Morrow (who will get injured again), Happ (he's brutal) Drabek and Hutch (who are essentially rookies for the 3rd straight season) are going to get us in the playoffs, you're going to be seriously disappointed by this team yet again.
The offensive core is fine. But is you think the likes of Morrow (who will get injured again), Happ (he's brutal) Drabek and Hutch (who are essentially rookies for the 3rd straight season) are going to get us in the playoffs, you're going to be seriously disappointed by this team yet again.

It will significantly improve the rotation from last year. That much is undeniable. Never said on its own its enough. And we'll never know because AA isn't going to just stand pat anyways.
Also LM101...and i say this without looking into it much so it's just a guess.....but i suspect it's easier to get a value/bargain signing for a position player than it is a SP.

The truly great SP, command the big years and terms.
It will significantly improve the rotation from last year. That much is undeniable. Never said on its own its enough. And we'll never know because AA isn't going to just stand pat anyways.

An older Dickey and MB, Morrow, Happ, Hutch/Drabek is not better than a younger Dickey and MB, Johnson, Morrow and Happ.

Mark my words Morrow will go down again - that is undeniable.

This rotation needs serious help. If it's not upgraded the unloading of TDA, Synder, Jake, Henderson, etc. was all for nothing.

There is no 5 year window. EE, Bautista, MB, Dickey, Morrow, Lind, Rasmus, etc. will all be gone in 3 or 4 years - and we have nothing internally to replace them.

A matter of fact the OF could be a major question mark in 2015. Melky and Rasmus could very well be gone after next season.

The ONLY way to fix this mess is to spend or completely empty the minors. No ifs, whens or buts.
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EE, Bautista, MB, Dickey, Morrow, Lind, Rasmus

One of those was internal to begin with...just sayin
It is my point.

Lots can happen in 3-4 years to fill things internally.

Worm - AA has said there is a 5 year window with THIS core. Only Reyes is signed beyond 4 years from now. The essentially makes THIS window 3 years. That's what we're talking about.

If we're gonna reboot internally - that will go beyond 5 years before we are competitive again in the AL East.

Also as of right now the 2015 OF is XXX-Gose-Bautista with nothing internally to help.

We need to spend or empty the farm NOW
I think he meant a 5 year window starting from last year, either way it's absurd though

The Window is the remaining 2 years of Dickey's contract....