Well-known member
The sadness of this offseason so far is only magnified by a certain idiot cunt who i'd very much like to lose visitation rights with his kids, and not get a refund on the tickets he bought to Disney Land
The Vegas AAA stadium seats about 9000, which is roughly what the A’s drew in Oakland the last couple of years.I'm sure MLB will allow them to play in a 5000 seat college stadium for those few years.
Christie Pitts , it holds about 250 seatsDo we know yet where the A’s are going to play from 2025-27, after their Oakland lease expires and before the Vegas stadium is built? Haven’t really been following it.
If Kirk's bat rebounds (and I fully expect him to be better, the question is how much), he's too good a hitter to just be a backup C.I have zero interest in banking on DH PA for Jansen and Kirk, both have injury histories Jansen only works as a DH vs LHP and KIrk maybe not at all. Do not let how you feel about these guys cause you to not sign a DH only bat.
Speaking of DH at-bats, guess who's in the Best.Shape.Of.His.Careertm?!
We're going to pivot to talking about Varsho and Manoah bounce back seasons, and going into the details of Alejandro Kirk's off season workout routine within the next 2 weeks.
congrats for coming up with some obvious things to talk aboutDec 3rd:
congrats for coming up with some obvious things to talk about
Make him earn everything. He and Jansen are rarely healthy together. Don’t sacrifice the quality of the DH you get because you might want to put Kirk or Jansen there. Batshit stupidIf Kirk's bat rebounds (and I fully expect him to be better, the question is how much), he's too good a hitter to just be a backup C.
Not saying they shouldn't add a bench bat who can DH (a la Belt) just sayin' don't forget about Kirkie.