the three standouts so far in Buffalo:
2B Martinez (22): 79pa, 7.6b%, 21.5k%, .367bip, .333avg, .347iso, 168wrc+
1B Horwitz (26): 86pa, 20.9b%, 12.8k%, .411bip, .353avg, .132iso, 164wrc+
3B Barger (24): 85pa, 16.5b%, 17.6k%, .365bip, .314avg, .271iso, 163wrc+
Barger's is my favorite line of the three because it's the best combo of patience (bb%), contact (avg without needing too much babip), and power (iso). Orelvis' patience still needs work and Horwitz is a high babip guy without much power still.
Also, Barger is the most flexible defensively and apparently can field IF and OF.