This. 100%. There is only one solution but it's a solution that will never be allowed to happen. Instead we will make human life virtually extinct within the next hundred years or so because of our slavish devotion to the internal combustion engine and the oil companies who own us. The answer has always been there and Greta is far from the only one who has advocated for it. The world simply refuses to heed it.She does though, and it's the only solution. It's just not one that most people want to hear.
Transform the world economy within our lifetime to make it more or less free of fossil fuel use, or we're not going to make it as a species.
Thought it was a NYE party?You know the old saying...don't make your troops sleep on top of where you keep the explosives.
Thought it was a NYE party?
Greta’s also always been pretty adamant that she is not an expert herself, and that she doesn’t have her own solutions to offer.
She is simply advocating that the actual experts do say there is a problem and that we should be listening to them.
A lot of people don’t like to hear that message though, and a lot of people really, really don’t like hearing it from a woman.
Behold the newest #FloridaMan
so Bibi is back in power and things are... off to a... uh... rocky, anti-democratic start...
yes and no.The wrong Netanyahu died in Entebbe.
And I can’t really say I feel bad for Israel. They keep voting in far-right whackjobs, so you get the government you deserve.
yes and no.
yes, a terrifying percentage of the population vote for religious fundamentalists.
no, it's not an overwhelming majority and it's barely a majority at all. the actual vote split last election, between the pro- and anti-Bibi blocs was close to 50/50. however, cause of the PR threshold (3.5%) and wise strategy by the religious zealots to run on a unity ticket, a bunch of leftist parties missed the threshold. so despite the vote split between the two blocs being nearly equal, because of the number of leftist parties that didn't meet the threshold, effectively hundreds of thousands (don't know the exact number) of votes were thrown out.
so yes and no again. within the pro-Bibi faction, there are various factions. Religious Zionism is maybe the worst, that's Ben-Gvir and Smotrich. then there's UTJ and Shas, also both pretty repugnant and far to the right of Bibi's Likud party.Still though…that’s half the country voting for the lunatics. Much like the US, where candidates like Hershall Walker & Kari Lake lost only by the skin of their teeth.
You do feel bad for the sane half of the electorate, but the country as a whole is still pretty fucked.