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OT: World Politics

Something weird is going on in China with all these senior cabinet ministers being disappeared. Foreign affairs? Defence? Jeebus.

Xi is cleaning house. But these were recent appointments, it’s not like they were holdovers. Apparently, he got a dressing down from the old time retired senior party guys. Maybe because the economy is slowing? But that was inevitable. Corruption? Bah, part business model part pretext for smiting rivals.

It’s weird. Are they afraid of their own people? I read somewhere they stopped publishing youth unemployment statistics. 🤔
So what do people make of all these Kadryov rumours?

Not the first time he's been reported that he's on death's door.
Something weird is going on in China with all these senior cabinet ministers being disappeared. Foreign affairs? Defence? Jeebus.

Xi is cleaning house. But these were recent appointments, it’s not like they were holdovers. Apparently, he got a dressing down from the old time retired senior party guys. Maybe because the economy is slowing? But that was inevitable. Corruption? Bah, part business model part pretext for smiting rivals.

It’s weird. Are they afraid of their own people? I read somewhere they stopped publishing youth unemployment statistics. 🤔

Xi has been cleaning house for 5-10 years now. He just cleans house whenever anyone gets a job and does well enough in it that they think they shouldn't be running every decision by Xi personally now.

The general opinion expressed by the various diplomatic groups (US, EU, etc) that try to deal with China is that there is no such thing as a functioning Chinese diplomatic core anymore. There is only representatives who repeat the exact words that were approved by Xi on any particular issue until an issue is important enough for Xi to pay notice to it and then maybe issue a new set of official statements for everyone to repeat. No one can have conversations with international counterparts, no one has an opinion that isn't explicitly approved by Xi. Xi has turned the CCP into a cult of personality and purges every once in a while to keep it that way.

He's basically trying to run the 2nd most powerful country in the world singlehandedly, with predictable results.
So what do people make of all these Kadryov rumours?

Not the first time he's been reported that he's on death's door.

I buy it. The rumours seem to be pretty uniform across Russia & Europe. Also tracks with a bunch of health rumours over the last few years. There were more or less confirmed reports of doctors from Dubai being brought in last winter because he didn't trust the doctors from Moscow for his kidney issues.
Something weird is going on in China with all these senior cabinet ministers being disappeared. Foreign affairs? Defence? Jeebus.

Xi is cleaning house. But these were recent appointments, it’s not like they were holdovers. Apparently, he got a dressing down from the old time retired senior party guys. Maybe because the economy is slowing? But that was inevitable. Corruption? Bah, part business model part pretext for smiting rivals.

It’s weird. Are they afraid of their own people? I read somewhere they stopped publishing youth unemployment statistics. 🤔

To my point from the other day

"Xi Thought"
Didn’t he just post a video today saying the rumours were bogus?

Yeah, they released a 9 second video with no time stamp or proof of when it was shot where he mumbles a word or two while walking on a path (I've seen it translated as "do sports" or something similar) geolocated as on his property in Grozny and then posts it with a written caption saying something about people on the internet should take a walk because they're crazy for believing the rumours.

But also, a Norgwegian news source reported a bunch of cars registered to known Chechen mafia from Kadyrov's home village showing up at the hospital that was rumoured to be treating Kadyrov today in Moscow. I mean, maybe it's all bullshit. But I don't see what Ukie intelligence gains from claming he's in a coma on it's own. But then a Norwegian newspaper shows what are basically his crew showing up at the Moscow hospital he's been tied to through said rumours.

Fwiw, Kadryov could make this all go away with a real video where he actually speaks to and laughs at the rumour. Nothing yet other than mumbling "do sports" while on a slow walk in the rain. Putin & Kadyrov's family would have a ton of incentive to hide this as long as possible if it were true. Chechnya is unlikely to suffer major internal struggles or see the seperatist movement pick up steam immediately, but it sounds like Ramzan's most likely successor is his oldest son, who is currently 17.
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Yeah, they released a 9 second video with no time stamp or proof of when it was shot where he mumbles a word or two while walking on a path (I've seen it translated as "do sports" or something similar) geolocated as on his property in Grozny and then posts it with a written caption saying something about people on the internet should take a walk because they're crazy for believing the rumours.

But also, a Norgwegian news source reported a bunch of cars registered to known Chechen mafia from Kadyrov's home village showing up at the hospital that was rumoured to be treating Kadyrov today in Moscow. I mean, maybe it's all bullshit. But I don't see what Ukie intelligence gains from claming he's in a coma on it's own. But then a Norwegian newspaper shows what are basically his crew showing up at the Moscow hospital he's been tied to through said rumours.

Fwiw, Kadryov could make this all go away with a real video where he actually speaks to and laughs at the rumour. Nothing yet other than mumbling "do sports" while on a slow walk in the rain. Putin & Kadyrov's family would have a ton of incentive to hide this as long as possible if it were true. Chechnya is unlikely to suffer major internal struggles or see the seperatist movement pick up steam immediately, but it sounds like Ramzan's most likely successor is his oldest son, who is currently 17.
Certainly sounds like there is some smoke there! There was a caption about that video but clearly it wasnt accurate.