I think, and maybe I’m wrong, that Mindz was making a similar argument yesterday. Aside from teachings in hebrew school and whatever I’ve gleaned casually over the years in the news, I can’t say I have a deep knowledge of the history there, but the claim that Israel is guilty of regular systemic human rights violations dating back to that period certainly doesn’t ring true from everything I’ve seen. It seemed Mindz had cited only forced relocation as the violation he was focused on, but as I’ve been reading up a bit since yesterday, it was all per a negotiated plan designed by the UN. And as you said, the war was a preemptive/defensive measure because literally all of the neighboring countries had aligned and about to strike an offensive to wipe out the Jews.
Anyway, I’m not raising this to rattle Mindz’s chain here, but if you’ve got a deeper knowledge of the history there, maybe you could speak to some of these claims, as I’m genuinely interested in the counterpoints to these slanted viewpoints that don’t accord with what I’ve learned over the years. I’ve been reading up somewhat since yesterday and it matches more my general understanding of things, but it’d be good to hear your take, if you have one.