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OT: World Politics

This one?
Too sickening.
Im too powerless and with no skin in the game my best route forward is to ignore this.
if you have an attachment to the people of Israel, or Palestine, I hope you can find some peace in your heart.

And if you’re a member of hamas?
I hope death comes soon and is a long and painful process.
That said? There MUST. be some kind of fucked up misaligned energy in that part of the world.
Genocides since before the Summarians.

I will never. Ever. Go to the Middle East.

Unless it’s Toronto
Toronto is in the middle of Canada. And, it’s east.
Toronto is canadas Middle East.
let's get this on record - is it your view that the Israeli regime is fabricating a story that babies were beheaded?

what about the photos of women bleeding from the crotch, being paraded around the Gaza strip? are those photoshopped?
I'm not saying they are fabricating them as I have no proof. But I also have no proof that they aren't. All I can assume is that they would have a strong emotional argument for pushing that narrative whether it was true or not. And this hasn't anything to do with "the regime". This was a reporter who had spoken to an unnamed "commander" in the field, who may have his own reasons for framing the narrative in those terms so I'm taking it with a grain of salt.

As for photos I can't comment because I've seen literally nothing. Elon suspended me a month ago and my appeal has not been addressed as of yet. I don't even know where to access photos and videos other than the sanitized ones allowed on YouTube.

I fully believe that most if not all of what is alleged to have happened probably did happen to some degree. And whether babies were killed, or killed and beheaded, or were toddlers rather than babies is semantics. Atrocities were committed and I have no doubt of it. But I'm wary of these emotional appeals where no actual evidence is presented. it's like a hat on a hat. And like I said above, I fully support Israel curb-stomping Hamas and even Iran over this, despite my hatred of all things Bibi.
you're historically fucking tone deaf here.

Israelis just want to live and exist in peace in their indigenous land.

our neighbours wanted to exterminate us. some of them still do.

Hamas is an entity created with the explicit aim of destroying Israel.

this is the essence of the conflict, and remains so.

'from the river to the sea' is code for 'kill all Jews in Israel'. we've now had a chance to see how that plays out in practice when given an opportunity, and here you are fucking equivocating.
Palestinians didn't come from Mars. They also have "indigenous" land in the region but they didn't have the right friends in the UN so they got nothing. There's a two state solution to be had, but the far right Israelis like Netanyahu don't want it. It would be much easier to be pro-Israel if they didn't keep electing far right assholes like Bibi, who only seek to exacerbate things.
Palestinians didn't come from Mars. They also have "indigenous" land in the region but they didn't have the right friends in the UN so they got nothing. There's a two state solution to be had, but the far right Israelis like Netanyahu don't want it. It would be much easier to be pro-Israel if they didn't keep electing far right assholes like Bibi, who only seek to exacerbate things.
again, you are either unaware of or misunderstand history. I'm not going to bother any longer.
Arafat had the deal but walked away. His decision indirectly led to Netanyahu.

The point is that the zero sum cycle has to be broken, but that’s obviously off the table for now.

And since then, they’ve been close to other deals and Bibi has walked away. The Middle East is by far the worst geopolitical part of the simulation we’re living in
again, you are either unaware of or misunderstand history. I'm not going to bother any longer.
I learned my history in public school, not in a yeshiva or a madrasah, so my education on the subject matter was not prejudiced by race or religion. Like Stinky, I have no dog in this fight. I respect your opinion, but at the same time I understand that you have a personal bias of which I am not burdened.
Just remember that the IDF and the pro-Israel media do their best to keep the bad things they do off of social media and the 6 o'clock news. We've seen precious little of the things that have been done to Palestinian civilians for years under Israeli rule. There's nothing that happened at that music festival that hasn't happened before to Palestinians. We react viscerally to the things we actually get to see.
The fuck are you talking about?

Each stupid fucking post gets outshined in stupidity by the next one.
I learned my history in public school, not in a yeshiva or a madrasah, so my education on the subject matter was not prejudiced by race or religion. Like Stinky, I have no dog in this fight. I respect your opinion, but at the same time I understand that you have a personal bias of which I am not burdened.
my wife learned her history about the region in university. it was total bullshit. it took literally years to undo the anti-semitic prejudices baked into her. have the self-awareness to know when to shut your mouth about things where others are better informed.
Stop pretending that either side has any virtue here. Neither of them are on the side of the angels. Whatever ethical credibility Israel had was spent a long time ago thanks to scumbags like Netanyahu. Obviously, a response to this attack is warranted and I really don't care how heavy handed Israel decides to get. I'm all for them bombing Iran as well as pulverizing Hamas. But let's stop pretending that Israel's skirts are clean here. They aren't hated by their neighbors for no good reason. You could make that argument 50 years ago maybe, but not today and certainly not after a decade of Netanyahu's quasi-fascism.
For the record, this guy is not an antisemite, people.

I was always fine with your over the top schtick, but this rant has added a new dimension to my impression of you, and now I see that you’re not hated by your neighbors on this forum for no good reason.
my wife learned her history about the region in university. it was total bullshit. it took literally years to undo the anti-semitic prejudices baked into her. have the self-awareness to know when to shut your mouth about things where others are better informed.
Just because the curriculum didn't suck Israel's dick doesn't mean it was anti-Semitic. That shit always gets tossed around whenever someone gets butthurt over an inconvenient truth about Israeli government policies and/or actions. You need to accept the reality that Israel isn't automatically right and virtuous about everything because "Israel". They get it wrong a lot of the time and under Netanyahu nearly all the time. They are not blameless victims or bystanders. They are players and they cause as much shit as they take.
For the record, this guy is not an antisemite, people.

I was always fine with your over the top schtick, but this rant has added a new dimension to my impression of you, and now I see that you’re not hated by your neighbors on this forum for no good reason.
Who's ranting? I'm just pointing out the fact that it takes two to tango and Israel is always ready to dance (and sometimes, especially under Bibi, they are sometimes so eager that they start dancing before the music even starts)
Who's ranting? I'm just pointing out the fact that it takes two to tango and Israel is always ready to dance (and sometimes, especially under Bibi, they are sometimes so eager that they start dancing before the music even starts)
Well I have no proof that Israel massacred 250 kids at a festival, but also I have no proof that it didn’t, so I guess I’ll have to lean in your direction and agree with your nonsense.
my wife learned her history about the region in university. it was total bullshit. it took literally years to undo the anti-semitic prejudices baked into her.

can you elaborate on some these?….what bullshit was she taught at uni that was particularly anti-Semitic, or that you most commonly run into or see repeated in media etc?
Well I have no proof that Israel massacred 250 kids at a festival, but also I have no proof that it didn’t, so I guess I’ll have to lean in your direction and agree with your nonsense.

Given the horrors we’ve already seen, I’ve zero reason to not believe any atrocities being reported.

…but if I was to make any defense of someone questioning the beheaded babies one, it would only be that it’s the kind of thing we’ve seen said a few times historically (most recently & frequently by Russia) as propaganda that was later proven to be false.

so if someone wanted to wait until more sourcing was done on it or something, fine whatever….to me it’s already at such a level of proven degeneracy that any more “proof” shouldn’t be needed…….and even if it didn’t happen, who fucking cares, given what unequivocally did.