Wayward Ditch Pig
Putin's running low on cash and missed her last payment.
Ukraine needs to keep hitting those oil refineries. Everything needed to fix them is expensive and time consuming. Also, a lot of O&G equipment is covered by sanctions, so hard AF to get.
I was at CNRL Horizons when this happened:
View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XpDxiWyROb8
That was one coker unit going up (for reference, the upgrader unit the flame is coming out of is like 400+ feet tall...so that's a motherfucker of a flame stack coming out of it) and the total cost from what I was told ended up being 1.5-2 Billion to repair (including lost productivity) and took about 18 months to get up and running. From what I know, the ryazan facility that was just hit is about the same size as Cnrl horizons (350k barrel per day) and also suffered pretty significant fire damage post explosion.
Russia produces about 10 million barrels a day, their internal consumption is just under 4 (which they heavily subsidize the cost of). Their export sector doesn't have that much capacity if you start knocking 350k barrel facilities down for over a year on the regular
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