Joe will always have my appreciation for beating Trumpo, and pushing for Ukraine aid. But I'm looking forward to what a Kamala foreign policy looks like if the rumours are true and she's looking to get rid of most of Joe's foreign affairs people. They're pussies in a time that requires not pussies.
So uhhh, I didn't see this in my usual trips through the news universe....but the US Air Force quietly announced that they're deploying a squadron of F-22's to the middle east a few days ago. Where they get deployed will tell us a lot of where their focus is. Either Oman, Jordan or Qatar, with legit reasons for any of the three.
So uhhh, remember way way back when the Ukies rolled a brigade into Kursk, drove 20km in a day, shot down some Russian assault aircraft and look to be digging in to hold the place?