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Rumors: 2024-25 Season

I'm on team halak.
To me the Price-Halak debate is similar to the PK-Weber debate. In both cases if we had chosen the other guy we'd have been no better or worse off in the long run. In some respects, keeping the lesser goalie would have exposed our weaknesses sooner and then maybe Bergevin and Timmins get fired sooner and the rebuild could have started sooner.
she is for choice, nothing wrong with that
Yes but she is also for being free from the consequences of her choices. If she doesn't want to get the jab, fine by me, but she shouldn't bitch about how restricted her life is because she doesn't like the consequences that ensued from her choice. Let her go live in the woods.
Yes but she is also for being free from the consequences of her choices. If she doesn't want to get the jab, fine by me, but she shouldn't bitch about how restricted her life is because she doesn't like the consequences that ensued from her choice. Let her go live in the woods.

She said no such thing. The only complain she made was about the harassment she received from stating her opinion.
Yes but she is also for being free from the consequences of her choices. If she doesn't want to get the jab, fine by me, but she shouldn't bitch about how restricted her life is because she doesn't like the consequences that ensued from her choice. Let her go live in the woods.
your fascist views re putting the unvaxed in concentration camps was somewhat understandable in 2021 when leftists like Maddow and Biden said the emergency "vaccine" stopped transmission. By 2022 we knew it did not. To want the unvaxed to be excluded after Jan 1 2022 was not a science based decision.
your fascist views re putting the unvaxed in concentration camps was somewhat understandable in 2021 when leftists like Maddow and Biden said the emergency "vaccine" stopped transmission. By 2022 we knew it did not. To want the unvaxed to be excluded after Jan 1 2022 was not a science based decision.
It never was.

It was always a guess disguised as scientific consensus, and those who raised their disagreements were vilified regardless the (in)validity of their points.
your fascist views re putting the unvaxed in concentration camps was somewhat understandable in 2021 when leftists like Maddow and Biden said the emergency "vaccine" stopped transmission. By 2022 we knew it did not. To want the unvaxed to be excluded after Jan 1 2022 was not a science based decision.
When did anyone (with an actual scientific background) say the vaccine “stopped” transmission? The goal was to reduce mortality and severe outcomes, which it has. That’s like saying Price is a “goaltender” who doesn’t stop pucks because he lets in a couple of goals a game.
When did anyone (with an actual scientific background) say the vaccine “stopped” transmission? The goal was to reduce mortality and severe outcomes, which it has. That’s like saying Price is a “goaltender” who doesn’t stop pucks because he lets in a couple of goals a game.
This will be Wehave's argument by next week.
When did anyone (with an actual scientific background) say the vaccine “stopped” transmission? The goal was to reduce mortality and severe outcomes, which it has. That’s like saying Price is a “goaltender” who doesn’t stop pucks because he lets in a couple of goals a game.
Fauci did

Fauci did

Oh well, you can tell he's a true scientist by his over-enthusiasm and sometimes careless use of words. Still, the development and distribution of vaccines helped reduce mortality and re-open up society, so the bashing of them always bothers me.
Oh well, you can tell he's a true scientist by his over-enthusiasm and sometimes careless use of words. Still, the development and distribution of vaccines helped reduce mortality and re-open up society, so the bashing of them always bothers me.
I'm not a vaccine basher, however I am a basher of those who consistently lied about them for political reasons and those who continue to lie about them without taking into account new information. Did the vaccines save lives? Despite what the weirdos on the fringe right might say, they absolutely did.

I am particularly bothered by the two-faced, gutless, sack of shit politicians who enforced draconian (totalitarian, if we're being honest) measures on their own people and to this day think they did nothing wrong.

Anywho, this is a long, long discussion that's probably not going to end anywhere...

Can we just all agree WeHave's a fascist with swastika tattoos on his ass cheeks?
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Oh well, you can tell he's a true scientist by his over-enthusiasm and sometimes careless use of words. Still, the development and distribution of vaccines helped reduce mortality and re-open up society, so the bashing of them always bothers me.
No issues with the vaccines, but I have a huge issue with the political propaganda surrounding them pushing for mandates under false promises and faulty data. So many lies were said (on both sides) that it became a major trust issue.
No issues with the vaccines, but I have a huge issue with the political propaganda surrounding them pushing for mandates under false promises and faulty data. So many lies were said (on both sides) that it became a major trust issue.
my view as well, I took three, get flu shot yrly etc. but the propaganda was over the too
Yeah, they started losing me with the mask mandâtes when all the studies out there were saying they were ineffective. Whatever, not the hill I was going to die on. Then the were lockdown laws that made no sense, all small businesses had to close but big businesses were exempt. Then vaccine mandates on false pretenses (do it for grandma), but the final straw was vaccine mandates for kids even though they had no data and the kids were the least impacted population. Half of the FDA advisory board even quit on that one. « Trust the science », what a joke. None of it was science based.

I got my two jabs, complication and fatality reduction was enough for me, but every narrative that you had to do it for others was pure bullshit. And the vilification of doctors who had the courage to speak up was disgusting.
Yeah, they started losing me with the mask mandâtes when all the studies out there were saying they were ineffective. Whatever, not the hill I was going to die on. Then the were lockdown laws that made no sense, all small businesses had to close but big businesses were exempt. Then vaccine mandates on false pretenses (do it for grandma), but the final straw was vaccine mandates for kids even though they had no data and the kids were the least impacted population. Half of the FDA advisory board even quit on that one. « Trust the science », what a joke. None of it was science based.

I got my two jabs, complication and fatality reduction was enough for me, but every narrative that you had to do it for others was pure bullshit. And the vilification of doctors who had the courage to speak up was disgusting.
I have a good friend of mine who isn't vaccinated, and I tried to convinced to get her vaccinated. She didn't budge, fine, that's her call.

However, we had mutual friends who to this very day do not want to spend time with her out of fear of what an unvaccinated person could transmit to them. And these are not dumb, conspiracy theory believing people. They're both highly educated (One a psychologist, one about to enter med school this Fall) and very smart, with good ability to think critically, and they're still stuck with that blind spot. Very Sam Harris-ian in regards to Trump.

The culture war in North America has created a permanent fissure between two sides that are convinced "the other" is wrong and that they're on the right side of history. Whether it's Covid, the climate, abortion, etc. Covid has only made things much worse, much faster.
Living in Seattle at the time, I couldn’t believe the amount of 30+ years friendships destroyed over that issue (and Trump). A complete inability to get out of the tribal mentality and engage in honest discussions instead of trying to force your ideology. It’s around that time I started getting very interested in Jonathan Haidt’s books about the different forms of morality. It really hit a note with what I was trying to understand.