And he doesn't care.
All due respect, I think you’ve got a poor read on him…he cares an unbearable amount.
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And he doesn't care.
highly intelligent people are capable of being complete dumbasses, as demonstrated by Musk (assuming he is highly intelligent)
He's a Presto-level troll at best. He deeply cares about how he's perceived and loves the praise he gets for "owning" libs. But the guy has aspergers so him being incredibly bizarre is not really his fault or in his control. Not that I'd ever be sympathetic to a billionaire but I have to acknowledge his medical condition.
as I said to some friends, I never thought I'd meet the individual who could turn the Zuckerfucker into a somewhat sympathetic character. well, Mr. Musk did a helluva job...Yeah, it’s the cuck insult that’s showing his insecurity, especially given his history. Like when that guy Diamondhoarder came in here shouting cuck this and cuck that and then revealed his partner was about to have a baby. What a terrible fear that would be, and how sad that these guys confuse admitting to it with being tough guy alpha males putting others in their place.
If Elon was saying “fuck you” to the world, he’d be talking about his money, not about the one thing that reminds everyone he’s kind of a loser.
Anyway, the threads CEO was just talking about how threads is aiming to be a bit like Twitter but without all the negativity. And then Elon does this. Zuck is probably pretty happy with it.
She's going to win.
Will be a fascinating case. I wonder if the defendants will try some version of the infinite monkey theorem.