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Tech Thread

it's a good test of whether these major social media platforms really are Utilities or not.

They're not. Trying to draw parallel between the physical and digital worlds will lead you as wrong as when we try to anthropomorphize animal behaviour. It all operates on a different set rules. All of these platforms are entirely replaceable and maybe more importantly, only exist in their current form because of incredibly lax private data regulations. The best example here is iOS 14.5's release. Apple took up the role as a defacto regulatory body by gating access to user data of their products. This happened in May of 2021. It took 2-3 months for the market to figure out it's importance to FB/Meta's bottom line, but it was the main driving force behind Zuckerberg panicking and pushing the Meta rebrand.

If one (big) tech company can gut facebook like a fucking trout just by denying access to their user data without individual opt in, then the entire social media industry is a house of cards that a handful of regulations in 5-6 nations and 3-4 board rooms could bring crashing to the ground without breaking a sweat.

Here's FB's chart fwiw. 600B in value evaporated in 12 months. FB/IG is replaceable, Twitter is replaceable, TikTok etc. We shouldn't lose site of this. The only value they truly have is access to our information that needs regulating and eventually will be.



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I mean even up to the last couple of days I was willing to concede that maybe part of this was due to trolling being good for business. If we are to believe Elon, Twitter's user base and # of interactions keep hitting record highs.

You could argue that, right or wrong, a lot of people on the right believe that Twitter leaned left, so he kissed up to them to energize them and get them more engaged. Then at some point he would make a few comments that pleased those on the left.

He certainly loves the attention he's getting, with the vast majority of it coming from the right.

His tweets are getting more and more delusional, and totally one-sided. It looks like he has been sucked into Q and the right wing Propaganda Bullshit Machine.
Even billionaires are not immune to propoganda
What a massive break for whoever is next up in the electric car game.

Everyone is up next. That's the best part. All of the majors have comparable (or better) vehicles available for 2023. Tesla's head start in the EV market is about to run face first into the combined engineering and manufacturing knowledge of the international automotive industry.
Aw science nerds are all leaving the Twitters because of the Elon conspiracy theory pushing thing. RIP Dr. Presto. Was a hellova ride.

Yeah, I saw a few of them bid farewell earlier (including my boy Kristian). Their comments sections are fucking toxic. The irony is that the people who actually provide value to Twitter are all going to end up leaving because the Elon worshippers drive them off with their insanity.

#FreeSpeechTwitter is going to be Elon, the crypto bros, fintwits (who will never leave), AV'ers and assorted conspiracy idiots, with some rubberneckers watching the flames. I'm already trying to figure how to cobble together a Ukraine intel situation for me that works without using 4 apps.

Instead of just buying Truth or gettr or whatever the fuck white nationalist shitshow platform was dying on the vine and for sale, he decided to turn Twitter into one of them and spend 46B to do it.
I still can't quite comprehend just how dumb this guy is turning out to be. It's amazing, really. Instead of learning how wrong he is on certain issues, he keeps doubling and tripling down on bullshit.

Can Cringelon at least be funny? I'm getting so much second hand embarrassment from this debacle. Truly appalling from a comedy perspective. SAD!
Yeah, I saw a few of them bid farewell earlier (including my boy Kristian). Their comments sections are fucking toxic. The irony is that the people who actually provide value to Twitter are all going to end up leaving because the Elon worshippers drive them off with their insanity.

#FreeSpeechTwitter is going to be Elon, the crypto bros, fintwits (who will never leave), AV'ers and assorted conspiracy idiots, with some rubberneckers watching the flames. I'm already trying to figure how to cobble together a Ukraine intel situation for me that works without using 4 apps.
if you figure it out, let me know as I am keen to do similar

Instead of just buying Truth or gettr or whatever the fuck white nationalist shitshow platform was dying on the vine and for sale, he decided to turn Twitter into one of them and spend 46B to do it.

all cause grimes and his trans kid broke his ego or something

I think this vid has been deleted by Twitter.

and the account that posted it suspended. but it survives the internets. lots of journos putting out stories. apparently he was basically booed incessantly, could not get a word in.

completely deserved. would hope it opens his eyes, but think we are sadly well past that point