Just thinking a bit about breaking up the core 4. If you look at the history of this market we've been watching this terrible version of a movie on replay over and over again. "you can't win with...".
For 50 years good players have been run our of town because "they can't win" only to go on and win. Almost immediately. "Kadri hurts you in the playoffs, you can't win with him..." Cup. "You can't win with Kessel." Cup. "Kaberle is too soft, you can't win with him" Cup. Murphy. Cups. Damphousse. Cup. McDonald. Cup.
Toronto's experience with that evaluation is pure shit. Its a completely subjective, worthless criteria to evaluate players. The media and fans saying "you should trade player x, you can't win with them" makes me pretty confident that we should not trade player X and we can win with them.
Everyone points to the Tkachuk trade, but the reality is in this situation we would be the team trading the Tkachuk.
its not to say that you can't trade those players and make your team better. And if you can do that great. But it’s much easier to trade those players and make the other team significantly better, your team significantly worse, and watch them win a cup on TV somewhere else.