Anderson seems like that guy on every team I had growing up that constantly downplays every elite team by saying they're actually bad. Jeff, they beat our asses every fucking game. It's okay to admit that they're really fucking good.
Oh I don't mind it as a fan. I just hated the guys on my team that would constantly attack the best teams in the league for being Actually Bad. It was a very annoying trait as a teammate.If you don't think you can beat your opponent, how are you going to benchpress that extra rep or practice that extra drill?
I have said the Leafs are better than the Habs over 100 times this year but I don't want to hear Josh say it.
I want Josh to stay foolish, stay hungry.
/Long AAPL
/RIP Steve Jobs
Oh I don't mind it as a fan. I just hated the guys on my team that would constantly attack the best teams in the league for being Actually Bad. It was a very annoying trait as a teammate