You tried to start with me yet again earlier in the day with the muppet comment. I laughed it off. Then you jumped into last night's conversation to just call me a dick out of nowhere. Then you went into the dating stuff, made more gay references, started on the career insults again, started chasing again in every open thread. I mean, what are we living in two separate fucking realities here?
You can call me names, I don't give a shit. What bothers me is the fucking rampant hypocrisy and the piling on. That shit is what sets me off every time. Yeah, as Presty says, it's supposed to be fun. I come here to get instant news on the Leafs, chat about them and some of the entertainment subjects. It stops being fun when suddenly people start picking fights and trying to use every personal detail that a person ever mentioned here in 20 years and twisting and twisting until you finally get that rise. And in the process every asshole who has a similar itch to rile a person up or try to make them feel bad or win points with others piles on with the stupid comments, gifs, and emojis. Do the offending parties get censured or banned or anything? Certainly not when they own the place and don't follow their own rules. Not only that, but then other people then start chiming in to defend the person breaking all the rules?? I mean, she fucking has the gall to tell me that I'M the one who's low class for using specific details when I used none and you literally tried to think of every detail you could conjure up and then fabricated more when you ran out??
There's plenty of people trying to do this shit in the real world. I don't have to come here for more. Time is everything, and I really can't get over how much of it I've wasted here. I quit a few months ago for a handful of days and would just read from time to time until I kept seeing notifications mentioning me in posts. The first day or two is tough to resist, but it got easier. I'll just have to hold out longer this time and hope it sticks. Life is too short for this garbage every other week.