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2021 Draft Thread

Let me guess.

Studying in the humanities with Lesbian Dance Theory on the side?
Youw ould not believe the number of decent young men that I spend time working with who are being annihilated in universities right now. Identity politics is crap. You get Trump because of identity politics. It's divisive there's no common humanity and it does nothing except create more animosity and enforce a new hierarchy. I'm still a leftist I just believe in economic Justice first or getting rid of useless nuisance laws.
Does the person also think Jordan Peterson is Hitler and that capitalism is the root of all evil, while texting to his/her/zheir's woke brethren on the new 2021 iPhone?
Pretty much
What the kid did was wrong. It was fundamentally wrong it doesn't matter what the woman did.

And at the same time he's a minor. The law in Canada is clear on how we treat minors. We reform people like this and hope for the best that's the liberal progressive mindset. Unless of course you have read too much Thomas Hobbes and all you need is vengeance.

My big problem in the world today and it's been exasperated exacerbated by the polarization of politics which is the lack of nuance in any discussion. The kid did wrong you should never get anything again.. it's a pretty shit way to think.
Way to completely miss the point

Also, way to move the goalpost.
The only relevant point is: "Can he play?" Stop pretending that you care about the other stuff because you dont. No one does. He isnt a criminal or a sexual predator. He's just a dumbass kid who needs to pull his damn pants up. This will all go away and everyone involved will move on.
Fuck off, you clearly veered from the hockey aspect once you equated her actions to his because you know… slut.

Just stop already.
If you're worried about privilege tax the rich.

And especially coming from somebody who comes from generations of working-class people who came to North America promised land that was cleared and were given a forest full of rocks and then were attacked by indigenous people. The people I come from or lied to when they came here. Let's get rid of some intergenerational wealth and make people actually fucking work for it and when I'm talking about intergenerational wealth I'm talking about the tens of millions of dollars.
Youw ould not believe the number of decent young men that I spend time working with who are being annihilated in universities right now. Identity politics is crap. You get Trump because of identity politics. It's divisive there's no common humanity and it does nothing except create more animosity and enforce a new hierarchy. I'm still a leftist I just believe in economic Justice first or getting rid of useless nuisance laws.

Pretty much
I can easily believe it. I've seen examples like Lindsay Shepherd get bullied at Wilfred Laurier, or what happened at Evergreen College in the States, or the countless other examples where this shit is getting out of hand. And then you have politicians that use the "mostly peaceful" bullshit to not criticize the looting & arson during BLM movements.

We've become a society of cowards because nobody wants to be called racist.
I can easily believe it. I've seen examples like Lindsay Shepherd get bullied at Wilfred Laurier, or what happened at Evergreen College in the States, or the countless other examples where this shit is getting out of hand. And then you have politicians that use the "mostly peaceful" bullshit to not criticize the looting & arson during BLM movements.

We've become a society of cowards because nobody wants to be called racist.
I find this post racist

(I kid i kid)
I don’t think we’ll see any big trades today. I’d imagine they’d have been completed at this point.
Well, we had the Reinhart trade, the Voracek-Atkinson trade.

Looks less and less likely that Eichel's going to be traded for a bit.
William Trudeau scouting report from FC:

Trudeau is a puck-rushing defensemen who radiates confidence carrying the biscuit in transition and stepping up on the cycle. His decent acceleration and slick mitts often allow him to jump ahead of forecheckers and escape pressure. He also owns some pretty explosive crossovers, which he loves utilizing to build up speed. He relishes getting involved in counterattacks, either by starting the outbreak himself or joining the rush closely behind. He creates zone entries by finding open lanes. Off the puck he loves crashing to the net for opportunities and uses smart stick lifts to receive passes comfortably in high-danger areas. Has an extremely smooth release and power on his wrist shot. Can toe drag around sticks to deliver his shot and even pick his spots from the high slot. On the defensive side of the puck he showcases average gap control and positioning. He can use his frame well to separate players from the puck and shows his smarts in board play, using his skates when his stick was neutralized. You like the effort he puts into moving bodies away from his goalie’s crease. He showcases some decent passing abilities to find outlets on the breakout, but his passing decisions are more often than not reactionary. He rarely looks for open teammates proactively and often prefers keeping the puck on his stick for a prolonged period of time before sending it ahead. Can show a bit of nonchalance in his decision-making at times, creating turnovers on zone exits by skating into traps in front of his net or sending inaccurate feeds down the middle. Trudeau's skating abilities, confidence carrying the puck and smart cycle movement make him an intriguing middle-round prospect.