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2023-24 NHL Misc. Thread

Wow, Great Those are some accomplishment Allen! My career has been boring, but a lot of fun. Now, I work at golf 6 times a week.
I envy both of you. And hopefully I have as active a retirement as you both have. My father was very active until about 3 months before he passed just short of 91, so maybe I have the genes for it.
LOVE THIS: "I can't do Snapchat or Tik Tok BUT I can write in CURSIVE, do math without a calculator and tell time from a clock with HANDS.
Yeah, I wish I had kept up with writing in cursive but I dropped it the second my school no longer required us to use it on papers. Nowadays it may as well be writing in code.
Yeah, I wish I had kept up with writing in cursive but I dropped it the second my school no longer required us to use it on papers. Nowadays it may as well be writing in code.
My father was an English teacher for years and taught penmanship. Mine was never better than average and has deteriorated badly, even though I take notes every day for work. My father’s was amazing until he broke the index finger on his writing hand but still good enough that he inscribed the table seating cards for one of his granddaughter’s wedding reception.
My father was an English teacher for years and taught penmanship. Mine was never better than average and has deteriorated badly, even though I take notes every day for work. My father’s was amazing until he broke the index finger on his writing hand but still good enough that he inscribed the table seating cards for one of his granddaughter’s wedding reception.
My wife taught elementary school for years and still has her teacher's penmanship. My son is 30 and writes like a 2nd grader. It doesn't take long for this stuff to slip away.
I never got passed 10th grade English. Flunked it 3 years in a row.
that’s my good excuse for writing, reading and spelling. My oldest daughter teaches English to people all over the world via outschool.
I was in AP English for three years but I can no longer remember all the parts of speech by name and couldn't diagram a sentence if I had to.
My wife's writing looks more like hieroglyphics than English. It's so bad, she sometimes has difficulty reading it herself. Chicken scratch is more legible. Wish I was kidding.

I found out that the best thing about golf is fishing the water hazards...sometimes it takes daring nighttime ninja stealth, though it is productive.

My wife's writing looks more like hieroglyphics than English. It's so bad, she sometimes has difficulty reading it herself. Chicken scratch is more legible. Wish I was kidding.

I found out that the best thing about golf is fishing the water hazards...sometimes it takes daring nighttime ninja stealth, though it is productive.

We have a lot of fishing going on with some nice sized bass pulled out.
i saw about a 10lb carp today.
Starting golf at 50 was like staring over dating in your 40s. Punishment.....
I feel your pain.
about 10 years ago I was in the range trying to learn and beating clubs and balls to death. The guy next to me was doing the same thing, one good shot 5 bad, etc. we started talking and trying to figure out how in heck are we supposed to hit a golf ball with all different length clubs? I mentioned it started with the ‘althletc‘ stance or position. I demonstrated a bit, etc. I asked him if he was aware of the athletic position and he said ‘uh, yes, I played NBA. He played college for unc.
later he agreed golf is the most challenging sport he ever played.
Wow, Great Those are some accomplishment Allen! My career has been boring, but a lot of fun. Now, I work at golf 6 times a week.
dayum Dw. I’m sneaking up on retirement but I’m thinking 3 days a week of chasing that little white ball.
dayum Dw. I’m sneaking up on retirement but I’m thinking 3 days a week of chasing that little white ball.
I never thought I would either. But, it gets you out of the house, with friends, fresh air, getting in a little exercise and seeing nature.we have a great time as none of us take it seriously. I count score by the number of balls found - number of balls lost.
Starting golf at 50 was like staring over dating in your 40s. Punishment.....
Yeah, I can imagine. I basically quit golf at 50 and have zero intentions of re-starting. I prefer to hike to get my outdoor time, as it doesn't bother my wonky shoulder and wrist.
Plus, you don't have to spend a million dollars just to go on a hike
True ... plus I'm lucky to have several trail options in close proximity. Plus, I live in a golf course neighborhood and that makes for a nice sundown walk every so often. Best way to take advantage of a golf course ... if you don't fish.
Best part about having kids a bit later in life is I get to coach youth hockey again now that my son is playing...a good practice workout once or twice a week chasing around 9-10 year olds keeps me moving pretty well for an older mature person!!! :)
Pretty much the same as JB, live in a golf course community, have my own golf cart, hiking trails in close proximity, evening, grab a camera and look for eagles, osprey, hawks, kingfisher, green herons, deer, coyotes, fox, etc.
Pretty much the same as JB, live in a golf course community, have my own golf cart, hiking trails in close proximity, evening, grab a camera and look for eagles, osprey, hawks, kingfisher, green herons, deer, coyotes, fox, etc.
You'd enjoy our falcon "family" over here. It's such a big hunting ground that we've got two full sized adult red tails and at least one very aggressive Cooper's hawk. Bird murder on the regular, but a bunch of pretty predators.
You'd enjoy our falcon "family" over here. It's such a big hunting ground that we've got two full sized adult red tails and at least one very aggressive Cooper's hawk. Bird murder on the regular, but a bunch of pretty predators.
We’ve got them here also. One side of crabtree creek is where the red shouldered hang out and the other side the red tails call home. Multiple families of each. Coopers are on both sides. Plenty of fish, squirrels, rabbits, voles, etc. for them. I’ve also seen river otters twice but haven’t been able to get a good shot.