I feel like the fan base becomes the issue. Hockey is enough of a niche sport that people may not want to go to the game if it’s too much unless the team is good. If they price guys like you out they’ll not replace you with anyone near as reliable. Hockey is religion to lots of us here. They can count on us. But if they price you out and you cut back to 4 you’ll find other things to do with your time and they lose you (or the biggest part of you). It took YEARS to get you. They can’t replace that.Yeah ... I'm never going to be anybody's target consumer because I'm too freaking cheap. I don't pay arena prices for food unless I have to, I don't drink at sporting events, don't buy a ton of merch and don't bet on anything, ever. I'm a ticket and premium parking pass guy who buys one ballcap a season and a jersey every 4 or 5 years. Nobody's making any money on me. I get that. Eventually I'll be priced out of the STM game and be a fan who comes to the arena 4 or 5 times a year and otherwise watches on the tube. And that's fine.
Golf/top golf is different. Some guys play golf. A lot in some cases. Top Golf makes it easier for guys who golf to have a golf related activity they can do with non-regular golfers. And it’s not much more money than golf and it doesn’t take all day. You gotta want to go to a hockey game. And the people that go (us) are happy to take new people but the expectation is that the game will be watched.
If you want it to grow as a sport it’s gotta be accessible. And that doesn’t mean an event designed for the elite consumer that you can go to as a lessor class. That divide gets too big or the entry level too high priced - where will your fans come from. It’s already too expensive- not that I don’t spend it anyway but it’s definitely NOT one of the more shall we say “moral” ways of spending money.