Puck bunnies don't help either. These are teenagers with raging hormones that get idolized by some and without parental guidance? They do stupid shit.
Not an excuse but a look into just how we as sport supporters help pave a path for some of these boys that make it too easy for them so succumb to their baser instincts.
Respect is learned, it's not a base instinct, billeted kids aren't watched properly.
The system is rotten. These boys should be taught that any transgression involving nonconsensual sex or abuse means you're out of the program system. This also needs reinforced.
The only thing these overly aggressive boys, with thoughts they can do what the want, will respond to is the real fear their work on the ice will be all for naught. Put the fear in them.
That's why I'm glad these cases are happening, it'll instill more fear and thus caution.