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Around the League 2019-2024 Edition

He wants 15-20 million. Give it to him over 6 years and have almost 90% paid in the first three years paid upfront. I'm fine with it. He lives in the beach and is here all the time in the off season
No concern about an unplayable Tanev at say age 37 who still insists on playing?

I don't like the idea of a new strategy for super long term deals to old guys who may not even live up to the contract in the first year.

eh he'll make $2.5m on like a $110m cap at that point. probably mostly buriable anyways. and could always trade him.
If you front load the deal, the money owed in later years is essentially 0. So that's valuable for a team trying to hit the cap floor. Don't want to take a trip to Robidas island? Ok, you're traded.
Because he is 35.

34, but fine.

Surely you see how the system can be gamed a little bit here though, right? Lots of guys have signed contracts with years on the end of it that no one expected them to play. This would be no different. You make a good point about only caring about the next 2 years because gotta win, but that means 3.5 >> 4.5, no?
A deal like that is all about getting 2-3m of excess value in years 1 and 2. That alone might even tilt things towards making an entire 5 or 7 year deal excess value or neutral as a whole even tho the last few would be bad. I'm sure Dom's model has that projection!
34, but fine.

Surely you see how the system can be gamed a little bit here though, right? Lots of guys have signed contracts with years on the end of it that no one expected them to play. This would be no different. You make a good point about only caring about the next 2 years because gotta win, but that means 3.5 >> 4.5, no?

Can’t do that anymore though. The lowest salary year can’t be less than 50% of the biggest year now which limits how low you can really get it unless he is willing to defer money.

It’s a risk because the wheels can fall of at any time. There is a non zero chance he stinks this year.

I’m not saying don’t do it. I’m just saying Tanev for 4-5 years isn’t a good deal.
Oh yeah if he falls off next year or even the year after, which is much higher than a 0% chance, then it's bad. But that's when hopefully robidas island happens. Nonzero chance of that too!

Longer term solution is mucho preferable but they can only afford one of those unfortunately. Mid risk high reward (probably for max 2 years) play is Tanev on a long-term deal.