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Around the League 2019-2024 Edition

LOF is right. A long term deal to Tanev isn’t a good contract. But who cares if he’s the ideal Rielly partner for the next 2 years.

We gotta win now.

a lower caphit is better, period. there's always way to deal with unwanted old not so big caphits later.
Can’t do that anymore though. The lowest salary year can’t be less than 50% of the biggest year now which limits how low you can really get it unless he is willing to defer money.

That's not what I'm saying though. On Robidas Island anything is possible. The extra years are to get the AAV down, not because he'll walk away from the last years because of sufficient front loading.

For argument sake say we get him to 3.5 x 5 (17.5) instead of 4.5 x 3 (13.5). Let's also say he gives us 2 yrs of Tanev and then falls off of a cliff....what's the difference between the 5 yr term and the 3 yr term functionally? Whether he spends 1 yr on the island or 3 doesn't make much of a difference. The risk is always the first 2 years of the deal. If they're worth it, the rest doesn't matter.
Sure but needing to Robidas island a 37 year old signed for 5 more years isn’t a good contract. Being prominently in LTIR sucks.

But again, who cares. It’s a cost I’m fine with paying.
Tanev at 3 in a 110m cap is equivalent to 2.2 in this year's cap. It's not a huge risk they're taking tbh. That's sorta the appeal here.
Sure but needing to Robidas island a 37 year old signed for 5 more years isn’t a good contract. Being prominently in LTIR sucks.

But again, who cares. It’s a cost I’m fine with paying.

at a pretty small caphit when the cap is way higher. not a huge deal.

and frontloaded, final bunch of years at league min. he retires.
34, but fine.

Surely you see how the system can be gamed a little bit here though, right? Lots of guys have signed contracts with years on the end of it that no one expected them to play. This would be no different. You make a good point about only caring about the next 2 years because gotta win, but that means 3.5 >> 4.5, no?
He's 35 when the season is two months old.

And if this is the strategy, then we should be doing it with every player, no? 7 year max for every guy just to lower their cap hits. Especially younger guys, not just the oldest guy available. But I'm guessing we don't, right?
Oh yeah if he falls off next year or even the year after, which is much higher than a 0% chance, then it's bad. But that's when hopefully robidas island happens. Nonzero chance of that too!

Longer term solution is mucho preferable but they can only afford one of those unfortunately. Mid risk high reward (probably for max 2 years) play is Tanev on a long-term deal.
So he'd sign a 7 year deal and retire after 1 year?

This is turning into video game team building talk.
In fact most big July 1 contracts won’t be good contracts. But who cares?

I mean none will be as bad as Tavares and LOF loves that one
I do love that one. He delivered what any reasonable person would expect. And he's still a very good player in year 7 of 7, which nobody really even expected. So, no, I don't want to find a way to dump that one remaining year just to spend it on long term deals for Matt Roy and Chris Tanev.
I assumed you meant retire because he sucks, but you meant claim injury for 6 years after a bad first year where he's gone to shit?

Someone said there's a nonzero chance he goes to shit in year 1. I agree. It's the less likely scenario but nonzero chance. But there's also a nonzero chance that if he falls off a cliff or his body falls apart in year 1 or 2 that he is forced to or chooses to go on robidas island for his final 3-4 years. Nonzero means greater than 0. Not 70 or 80%+.

In any event, in the worst case scenario, his aav is not going to be unmovable especially in years 3-5. It's not a comparable risk to paying jack Campbell 5x5, for example. It's a pretty tiny risk as far as UFA deals go because of the hypothetical small aavs discussed.
He's 35 when the season is two months old.

And if this is the strategy, then we should be doing it with every player, no? 7 year max for every guy just to lower their cap hits. Especially younger guys, not just the oldest guy available. But I'm guessing we don't, right?

Why would that strategy work with young guys?

With old guys, absolutely we should.
He's 35 when the season is two months old.

And if this is the strategy, then we should be doing it with every player, no? 7 year max for every guy just to lower their cap hits. Especially younger guys, not just the oldest guy available. But I'm guessing we don't, right?
They're paying Tanev till he's 40 in this scenario. And potentially paying up to 3-3.5m in years where he's 39 and 40 years old. That's a lot and above market value. This is why Tanev would accept this.

Why would a young guy who is 33-34 in his 5th or 7th year take a discount to increase term? Do you not understand the logic behind this or how this works?