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Carolina Hurricanes 2024 Summer Talk ... press the reset button?

Another angle on this....my daughter and wife saw a post claiming that Necas' girlfriend was stating on Instagram that Necas broke his lease and she was packing up the apartment and heading back to Chechia and that they were not coming back to Raleigh.

I don't mind us trading Necas. Hopefully some other team sees that dynamic offensive skill and envisions those high end skills matching up with their talented offensive players and offers us a valuable return. The problem with trading Necas is that we don't really have anyone else with that speed and shot combination. Aho is fast, but not as fast as Necas. Aho is skilled as heck, but Necas is a better sniper in my opinion. When Necas is gone we will miss that level of dynamic offensive skill that can get you a goal on his own when you need it.

That said, when Necas is gone we won't miss those nervewracking circles out by the blueline that are a poke check away from a breakaway the other way.

Can we really get fair value for Necas? What is even is fair value for Necas? This is kind of the Elias Lindholm situation all over again...not only do you need to find a team that will return value in a trade, THAT team needs to be willing to pay Necas, without being 100% sure just what he might ultimately bring in terms of production.

Trade him away to the Western conference. Utah, Seattle, Calgary, Winnipeg?
Fair value for Necas is a great question CMal. If the Canes are willing to let him go you absolutely have to get something back that not only fills the loss but are getting something back that is here long term. Shane Wright, a right shot center with an affordable contract along with a defenseman coming back…is that fair value? The fair value question is a great debate in any Necas trade.
My husband says the Necas situation is ripe for a "sign and trade" -- sign him longer and trade for assets - supposedly the Canes could sign him to a longer term. I have no idea how all this stuff really works, I hope Don Waddell and his team do....

He is a beautiful skater and I'll miss that, but just don't feel like he knows how to use this asset to his (and his teams) advantage. Too many times he skates round and round with the puck only to lose control and turn it over..
Necas can be dazzling with his speed and quick release. He is the closest thing to a sniper on this team, but he’s a defensive liability. He gets into the offensive zone quickly, skates around, gets pressure and loses possession of the puck.
You’d think the coaches could convince him to stop trying for the perfect play and just shoot the puck.
IMHO he needs a team that can settle on a one-way player. In some ways he reminds me of skinner and could be a 30 goal score on a team that turns him loose more and requires less of him defensively. We’re not that team as constituted.
For the record, almost EVERY team in the league struggles less to integrate a one way forward than the Hurricanes do, so ... yeah. Maybe not a team with Torts as a coach, but otherwise Necas will absolutely find a market. And yeah, while Donny is talking the right way I think this is a sign and trade scenario eventually. It may even be a package with a draft pick for a first line player sort of deal. I don't worry about Necas' value on the market because most teams will (probably correctly) assume that Carolina has hampered his production by demanding that he play both ways AND drive play for his line. Which is of course what Carolina demands of all it's skilled players. This system works but it ain't for everybody.
Necas can be dazzling with his speed and quick release. He is the closest thing to a sniper on this team, but he’s a defensive liability. He gets into the offensive zone quickly, skates around, gets pressure and loses possession of the puck.
The most frustrating thing about Necas is that he skates circles around the defense, gets past them, then either drop passes to the other team, or goes behind the net and puts it along the boards where it gets picked up and out of the zone. He never McDavid's it - skates through the other team with the intention of shooting the biscuit.
That's because Necas is and has always been primarily a setup guy. He grew up playing center and has been far too stubborn in adjusting to what's needed from him as a winger. That said, with open ice ... like in OT or 4v4 ... there are only 3 or 4 guys in the league who are better puck carriers, and he DOES finish well when he bothers to shoot.
Hmmm, don't we need a right-handed top-6 Center? Maybe they should work with what they already have instead of doing the square peg, round hole thing with the guy.
Hmmm, don't we need a right-handed top-6 Center? Maybe they should work with what they already have instead of doing the square peg, round hole thing with the guy.
Carolina's centers HAVE to be defensively responsible to some degree or else the system breaks down. Do you really want to see Roddy straight up murder the man? Plus, he's maybe the worst faceoff guy in the whole league.

Honestly, at this point I think both the player and the team will be happier if he goes somewhere else. In fact, it's probably one contract later than it should have been if they part ways.
Carolina's centers HAVE to be defensively responsible to some degree or else the system breaks down. Do you really want to see Roddy straight up murder the man? Plus, he's maybe the worst faceoff guy in the whole league.

Honestly, at this point I think both the player and the team will be happier if he goes somewhere else. In fact, it's probably one contract later than it should have been if they part ways.
In 2020-21 and 2021-22, Necas averaged nearly 1 minute per game on the PK. So the concept of defensive responsibility isn’t foreign to him. Faceoffs? Over his career, he’s at 41.7%. Last year? 34.1%. He might want to play center, but, between him and Kuzy, the team can’t survive with 2 guys in the low to mid 40s.
PK is NOT the same as tracking a top 6 center 5v5. Necas would be an absolute speed bump if he played center full time in this system. And again, why bother? He's got good value, so move him somewhere where he'll fit better and get a good return. This doesn't have to be so complicated.
Necas will be another guy that some will applaud when he leaves, but many will whine about him "getting better" somewhere else.
Depends on what you consider 'better'. Necas might be a 60-70 point winger in the right situation with plenty of PP time. That won't mean he actually 'got better', it will just mean he got more opportunity, probably on the PP.
Necas made two beautiful passes today to set up Czechia for their second and third goals vs Canada...he coughed up the puck on an overtime Czechia power play that resulted in the game winning Dylan Cozens overtime goal. When you can skate that well, the bigger ice game is certainly more favorable to a guy like Nachos.
Depends on what you consider 'better'. Necas might be a 60-70 point winger in the right situation with plenty of PP time. That won't mean he actually 'got better', it will just mean he got more opportunity, probably on the PP.
This. Plus, you can't worry about stuff like that and it's usually nonsense anyway. Trading a guy away means you have something in return ... or else you don't bother. It's weird how when you get to this stage of the season, people either turn into player hoarders or they want everybody out
If we want to keep Necas then we need to change the system. We don’t do he’s a chip we use to get a better fitting part.
I think Necas is the square peg for Rod's system, just never really has fit. Would love to see a sign & trade deal out of Necas. I think he'd have value to a western team that tends to skate more and is not as chippy as eastern teams.
