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Core 4 No More: The Motherfucking Off-Season Thread

I'm a bit surprised that none of the Leafs posters on this board saw fit to give the Berube hiring story its own thread. You seem very underwhelmed, almost resigned to your fate.
now here's the thing.

I can't imagine a new coach coming in here and saying: "please get rid of Marner, I don't want a chance to use him".
I could see a former goon coming in and saying fuck this little sissy and his prancing around.

But yes, I'm pretty optimistic they won't trade Marner and that he's already given them indications that he won't agree to waive.
There isn’t a candidate out there that is a no brainer. I’m ok with Berube. Hopefully he gets us better results than the last guy.
If he’s interviewing more than 3-4 people he’s doing it wrong. If they like Berube then go for it. There’s nothing wrong with the hire on its face. Respected guy. Good pedigree. Knows what he’s getting into in Toronto.
im seriously worried about this summer. there is almost no chance they don't fuck up a marner deal and ruin the long term cap on some #5 dmen signed to long term #2 type contracts
We've been through this but there's more to it than that. PP coach after PP coach and the same issues that drive us insane persist. Blame must be dispersed. Too simple to just blame one person and not all that realistic or logical. Important to tackle this with a more logical approach because we've tried the coach change things multiple times already. Fantastic 5 on 5 players though. I don't credit the coaching for their 5 on 5 performances.
They’re clearly running setups. Otherwise you’d think they’d revert to other things they used to do and not just run the same shit over and over again.
They’re clearly running setups. Otherwise you’d think they’d revert to other things they used to do and not just run the same shit over and over again.
I really don't think they're instructed to stand still. PP has loads of movement on it when it's hot. Tavares in particular has been a huge problem.
I like it I think. He's not a guy that's gonna over coach like Keefe did near the end. Rest of the guys out there are underwhelming. A guy that gets out of the way is what's best for the organization assuming they run back a skill team and not whatever the fuck they ended the year with.
I like it I think. He's not a guy that's gonna over coach like Keefe did near the end. Rest of the guys out there are underwhelming. A guy that gets out of the way is what's best for the organization assuming they run back a skill team and not whatever the fuck they ended the year with.
seems like wishful thinking given management's track record the past few years