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New Canadian Politics Thread

The fact that they have closed a border crossing for this long is insane. The Ottawa thing is bad enough...but its a "protest" in a city. You always hear about how CBSA has basically the most power out of any law enforcement agency. Start using it.
The city has moved on to other things, particularly health care and education. I think Oshawa is a lot better now than it was when it was a blue collar mecca. Anyway, the GM truck plant is reopening.
I lived there from 74-85 (including the 84 strike when Bob White split from the UAW and started the CAW) The view from my bedroom window was the truck plant. I don't know how "better" is defined. It was always a grimy blue collar town but now it's no longer so blue collar and still kind of grimy. Lots of homeless people and downtown is a shithole (although admittedly it was never all that great)
This is really the whole problem. Like, one of the Minister of Transport's tweets today was literally "To the occupiers of the Ottawa airport: this kind of behaviour is unacceptable. It is time to go home!". Seriously, wtf? After all that's been happening the last 2 weeks, what the hell is that even trying to do?

I don't know if it's a jurisdiction thing, where nobody alone can act. Or if it's a case where the police are too much in favour of the ideas that they don't want to "risk things getting violent", but between all of this, it's gone on long enough. And especially blockading the Windsor Bridge, that's bringing in an international flavour to this that absolutely should have been shutdown immediately, not still going on 4 days later.
It's time to stop asking nicely and start cracking some skulls. If the cops won't do it, call in the army. Same with the tow trucks. If the private companies won't do it, the army has tow trucks too.

Anf FFS STOP allowing these idiots to refuel their trucks!!! Cut them off from their supply lines. Cordon off the area around Parliament Hill and don't let anything in. Food, water, fuel. NOTHING. make them walk outside the cordon on foot and then don't let them back in.
Im POSITIVE there’s legislation defining peace officer as “any Yahoo who solemnly declares themselves to be a peace officer”
That "swearing in ceremony" has got to be the epitome of white privilege.

BLM should also deputize themselves as peace officers now and see what the truckers think of that.
It's time to stop asking nicely and start cracking some skulls. If the cops won't do it, call in the army. Same with the tow trucks. If the private companies won't do it, the army has tow trucks too.

Anf FFS STOP allowing these idiots to refuel their trucks!!! Cut them off from their supply lines. Cordon off the area around Parliament Hill and don't let anything in. Food, water, fuel. NOTHING. make them walk outside the cordon on foot and then don't let them back in.
More than a week ago Ottawa asked for help from the army and the answer was a flat no.
I’ve seen more than enough videos of police literally just sitting there watching one dude with a cart full of Jerry cans and they do absolutely nothing. I dunno why they need the army for that shit.
Pretty sure she’s right. I do remember Sloly requesting the army about a week ago, and Trudeau turning that request down.
so I am doing some googling and not finding this. I do find articles from 8 days ago where JT says:
“One has to be very, very cautious before deploying the military in situations engaging Canadians. It is not something that anyone should enter into lightly,” he said at a Thursday morning news conference.
and then there is this:
Ottawa police Chief Peter Sloly said on Wednesday that there may not be a policing solution to the crisis, and all options were under consideration including asking for military support. Before forces could be deployed, the city would have to ask the provincial government to make a request to the federal government.
so yeah, I'm back to thinking no one has actually asked for help, be it the City of Ottawa, the Ontario government, or the Ottawa Police.
anyhow, if the City of Ottawa did ask, it appears they would ask the province, not JT.

Yeah, I think it's technically the province that's the only one that can ask for help. Although I did read something recently saying that if the issue deals with multiple provinces, then potentially the feds could invoke things themselves. This was in response to some of the protesters setting up over in Gatineau and whether that was a bad idea or not.

Does sound like Ford has cut off their donation stream on GiveSendGo, so that's something. But we're well past the "cut off their money and maybe they leave" phase.