I may have missed it, but I haven’t seen many of the anti-tax protesters speaking about the rebates.
Alas, many media outlets also avoid the issue, resulting in articles that inaccurately give unwarranted credence to the protesters’ supposed grievance.
For instance, the CBC
did not mention the rebates at all in its article on the highway demonstrations yesterday. Nor did CTV
mention the rebates.
did mention the rebates, but far down the article and without further elaboration.
For whatever reason, facts be damned, the Trudeau government seems to have lost the PR battle on the carbon tax.
I was speaking with a friend who regularly visits someone in a seniors’ residence. According to my friend, all the old folks are complaining about the carbon tax, damning Trudeau and so forth. These are people who don’t drive at all, who don’t pay for their own heat (which is exempted in any event), and who additionally get a quarterly rebate cheque of over 100 bucks. But they consume media (social media mostly) that tells them they are being personally damaged by the carbon tax, and they believe it.
As well, I can’t help but think there is a tribal aspect to the anti-carbon tax protesters. They just
know it’s wrong, and it’s become part of their identity.
As I say, I don’t know if the carbon tax is the right approach to climate change or not, but what else do you have?
Just ignore it?