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OT: American Politics

That's only because you misunderstand what "woke" actually means to them.

If it's contrary to the narrative that they've chose to make their christian fascist movement look good, it's woke. If it's a historic event that makes some of the groups within their tent uncomfortable, it's woke.

To put it another way: Not all people who complain about "Extreme Wokeism" are Nazi holocaust deniers, but all Nazi holocaust deniers complain about extreme wokeism.
That's only because you misunderstand what "woke" actually means to them.

If it's contrary to the narrative that they've chose to make their christian fascist movement look good, it's woke. If it's a historic event that makes some of the groups within their tent uncomfortable, it's woke.

To put it another way: Not all people who complain about "Extreme Wokeism" are Nazi holocaust deniers, but all Nazi holocaust deniers complain about extreme wokeism.
I don't care what it means to anyone that is skewing and perverting it.

The dictionary definition is being "aware of and actively attentive to important societal facts and issues (especially issues of racial and social justice)."

Denying the Holocaust is not woke. It's the exact opposite of the textbook definition.
You probably should. They're kind of trying to take over the country at the moment.
You're skewing. For the purposes of this discussion, when I use the word woke to describe something, I'm not concerning myself with psychotic groups' twisting of the word into something that is directly contrary to its definition and spirit. They're obviously a problem, but that has nothing to do with what I was talking about.
Don't argue with me, argue with 40% of the population of the country you live in. Your quarrel on definition of the term is with them.

Though I understand why you are uncomfortable with the idea of something you care about being considered part of what they're against.
I'm not arguing with you or them.

I used the term with regard to its actual definition when discussing something here.

I don't need to be pulled in and tangled up in anything relating to a completely twisted use of the term.

If I use the word "conservative" here and some group misuses it in such a way that it's actually fascism, that has no relation to or bearing on anything that I'm saying about actual conservatism.
Yeah I mean I wasn’t lecturing anyone. I was asking who you’d actually vote for because you shit on Kamala, Newsome and Biden so I was wondering who the fuck would be ok w you.

And yes I think you seem nonchalant about the threat Trump poses to Democracy.
I'm not arguing with you or them.

I used the term with regard to its actual definition when discussing something here.

I don't need to be pulled in and tangled up in anything relating to a completely twisted use of the term.

If I use the word "conservative" here and some group misuses it in such a way that it's actually fascism, that has no relation to or bearing on anything that I'm saying about actual conservatism.

Our conversation wasn't an extension of your previous with others. I made a comment about Florida & Texas, you asked for clarification and I provided.
Teaching kids about the holocaust is part of that extreme wokeism people are so concerned about.

I took that statement as pulling the other conversation into ours. If you didn't intend that, then my bad, but I can't imagine what else you would've been referring to.
I took that statement as pulling the other conversation into ours. If you didn't intend that, then my bad, but I can't imagine what else you would've been referring to.

You asked about Florida's relationship with jewish people, I showed that they're scrubbing the holocaust from textbooks because it's part of what they consider extreme wokeism.
Like I said, if it was coincidence that you used that term and weren't trying to imply that my use of extreme wokeism is the same as Florida's use of it when trying to wipe the Holocaust from textbooks, then that's that.
Well, it's the same term, you're just misusing it according to the popular vernacular.

This is where you tell me again about the dictionary definition (which..."extreme wokeism" simply doesn't exist anywhere in there, but whatev) and I tell you that the people trying to remove the holocaust from textbooks don't give a shit about dictionary definitions and you're not co opting their term, you're unknowingly parroting it.
Well, it's the same term, you're just misusing it according to the popular vernacular.

This is where you tell me again about the dictionary definition (which..."extreme wokeism" simply doesn't exist anywhere in there, but whatev) and I tell you that the people trying to remove the holocaust from textbooks don't give a shit about dictionary definitions and you're not co opting their term, you're unknowingly parroting it.
I don't even recall exactly what I originally said, I think something like out of hand wokeism or wokeism gone too far. And that's what I obviously meant, which was clear in the examples I gave. If "extreme wokeism" is its own term and used to describe "reverse wokeism", then I learned something new today.
I don't even recall exactly what I originally said, I think something like out of hand wokeism or wokeism gone too far. And that's what I obviously meant, which was clear in the examples I gave. If "extreme wokeism" is its own term and used to describe "reverse wokeism", then I learned something new today.

The lesson imo is that's it's a shitty, toxic loaded term that's best left out of polite conversation.